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1. **Import a Photo:** If you want to edit an existing image, import it from your photo library, your camera, or from an image online. 2. **Create and Name a New Layer:** Photoshop enables you to create new layers for different effects and edits. Layers help keep things organized as you work. This book will teach you how to create and name them. 3. **Import a Photo:** If you want to edit an existing image, import it from your photo library, your camera, or from an image online. 4. **Create and Name a New Layer:** Photoshop enables you to create new layers for different effects and edits. Layers help keep things organized as you work. This book will teach you how to create and name them. Saving your work is just as important as creating it. Through layers, you can save parts of your work independently of the entire image. Also, within the layers panel itself, you can create a folder for your work. This saves work if you ever want to go back to an earlier state. You can even hide layers or groups to further compartmentalize your work. Photoshop helps beginners save their work as well as is a great tool for experienced artists. You can save a copy of the image, a different layer, a copy of a layer, or the entire image, including adjustments. You can even save your entire document, complete with all the layers. ## **Previewing Your Work** When you work on an image, you see your own edits in a window called the **Layers panel.** There are three windows (see the window display in Figure 1-1). If you haven’t imported a photo yet, you won’t see a window for an image, but you will see the Layers panel with thumbnail images for your layers. For an imported image, you will see a thumbnail for the image itself (Figure 1-2), and a thumbnail for the Background layer (if there is one). Figure 1-1. These are the three windows in the Layers panel. Figure 1-2. A window showing the image preview, showing the Background layer. When you view the Layers panel, you can hide and show the windows (as you will see in the next section). You can also change the window size. For example, if you want to see the entire Layers panel, select Window for Layers or
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30+ Free Photoshop Elements tutorials and tricks for beginners Learn best practices for using Photoshop Elements. Learn the types of workflows people use when working with Photoshop Elements. Learn to create custom actions or workflows for specific Photoshop Elements tasks. Create default actions. Work more efficiently with layers. Keep track of layers and images. Canvas work method (a.k.a. Working on transparent layers). Work with paths, especially a feature called Warp. Better track rotation and resize of images. Get started with a sample Photoshop Elements file. Follow along for tips and more. You can start by checking out the Photoshop Elements tutorial featured in the welcome screen. There is much more information and samples in the Photoshop Elements tutorial, including how to create actions, create custom actions, and more. Also check out the Photoshop Elements tricks featured in the welcome screen. Additionally, there are many tricks and Photoshop tutorials on our site. 1. How to Create New Actions You can create actions from scratch or take a clone of an existing action and customize it for your use. Create Custom Actions There are two ways to create custom actions. One way is to use Pre-sets. Pre-sets are part of the Actions Editor and the only way to edit them is from Pre-sets. Another way to create custom actions is to use Clones (also called references). You can use Clones to create custom actions by copying actions from other users. You can even clone a custom action for your own use. Using Clones To create a clone, follow these steps: 1) Use the File menu and select New to create a new file. 2) Use the New command to create a new blank file. 3) In the Save dialog, type a name for your new file and click Save. 4) Click Open to open the file. 5) Use the Edit menu to make changes, including undo and redo. 6) Save the file. 7) To copy the action to another file, use the File menu and select Copy. 8) Use the Edit menu to make changes, including undo and redo. 9) Save the file. 10) Copy the action to the Clipboard using the Edit menu. 05a79cecff
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8.24.2011 Ahhh. It’s Thanksgiving! You know, I used to love Thanksgiving when I was a kid, and I still love the food, the family and the traditional traditions. But I don’t like traveling two hours one way to get to a place that I don’t feel comfortable in, then to have to sit through three hours of family time, followed by a goodbye that seemed so long because it was hard not to hang out with my family for an extra twenty minutes to have a final goodby. So, you want to know what I’m thankful for this year? Well, first of all, I’m thankful that I’m finally getting my own place. It’s hard to let go of a home that’s been in your family for years, but I really feel like this was the year for it. I’d had this idea in my head for several years, and finally this year I got my own place. It still has a ways to go, but I can finally decorate the place how I want, and make my own decisions about what I’m going to put in it, and I can finally just be me. I’m thankful that I have a job. I work at a newspaper, which is rewarding in a lot of ways, and in other ways not really, but right now it’s just what I have to do. I’m thankful that I’ve got a family that I can be with, and that we don’t live far away from each other. I’m thankful that I have a boyfriend who doesn’t complain about taking cabs, and will actually come into town and do stuff with me. We met in the summer, and I think I knew pretty much from the start that he was the one, but we’ve never even looked at houses together. We’re just getting married and get on with life together. And I’m thankful that he’s 100% into me and I’m 100% into him. I’m thankful for my family, and I’m thankful for the few friends that I do have. I’m thankful that I have my blog where I can write about anything and just share my thoughts with the world. I’m thankful that I have this website, and a few of you out there are still reading me after five years of blogging. I’m thankful for the new people I’ve met because of this blog, and for the people that I care about, and I’m thankful that I have you guys in my life.
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Q: Hiding the facebook icon on Android 5.0+ In my own styles.xml I have set the android:theme attribute as follows: @style/MyActionBar true This works great for hiding the app’s action bar icon since my ActionBar is transparent. However, I am seeing the Facebook app in my app (installed) behave differently. It doesn’t hide its action bar icon by using the android:theme attribute. It still shows the Facebook icon regardless of whether I set android:windowActionBarOverlay to true or false. In addition, if I set my app theme to Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar (so no action bar), then my app won’t show the Facebook icon even if I use android:windowActionBarOverlay=true. How can I hide the Facebook icon? I am using an AdMob banner and am trying to avoid having them change their platform behavior. A: It turns out the Facebook app uses a different theme than the rest of the app. If you add the following line to your styles.xml file, you can style the action bar differently for that single application: @null true @style/MyActionBar Q: How do I install the Android SDK tools and build-tools via CMD on Windows, from the command line? I have a Windows 7 system, and I’m trying to follow the instructions here: The issue is that the install fails at the beginning of the install command, before anything is actually installed. java.exe -jar C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\android.jar install \
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We are using RPG Maker as our platform, and it has been quite a while since we’ve released a game for the Vita. So for this game to run on the Vita, it needs to run on the Vita’s Emulator. Because of this, the game will not run on the Vita. ——————————————————– The number of players on your squad will be determined by how many friends you have on your PSN account. There are a number of ways to bring friends online to play. If you have friends already, you can invite them by visiting their