MonoBitmap provides you with a lightweight command line application that can be used for viewing a bitmap image into a string sequence of 0 and 1.
No matter how large the image is, MonoBitmap has no problem processing it. The binary representation is displayed within the console window.

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MonoBitmap Free Download is a command line utility to read and display the image in the console window. It is a lightweight utility and doesn’t need an extern library.


MonoBitmap requires Python. You can download it from here.

How To Use:

MonoBitmap is simple to use:

First, use the command line utility mono with the –print-trace option.

Then, run the command line utility MonoBitmap with the path to the image as an argument.


Usage: mono –print-trace mono [path to the image]


Usage: mono –print-trace mono pascal.jpg


Note that you have to have a *-bitmap.h file in the folder where the image file is located. The header file must be named the same as the image file without.bmp. For example, if your image file is called pascal.jpg, you need a file called *-bitmap.h. This file can be found here.

After typing the command you will get the binary representation of the image in the console window.


MonoBitmap can be customized in the *.ini file located here. The INI file will contain the following sections:

mono_bitmap = The path to the binary bitmap representation of the image file

There are a number of parameters that can be customized using the *.ini file. You need to comment these parameters if you don’t want to use them.

Note that if you use a custom executable file to process images, you can modify the image file and the *.ini file at the same time. For example, you can run MonoBitmap with a single *.ini file and point to the same image file as the *.ini file.

MonoBitmap is a command line utility that displays images within the console window. It is a lightweight utility and doesn’t need an external library. The binary representation of an image is displayed within the console window. MonoBitmap is a useful tool for viewing binary images into a string sequence of 0 and 1.

MonoBitmap has no problem processing images that are larger than 64kb in size. The binary representation is displayed within the console window.

MonoBitmap Description:

MonoBitmap is a command line utility to read and

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BinaryImageReader: Reads the image from a string sequence of 0 and 1.

BinaryImageWriter: Writes the image to a string sequence of 0 and 1.

DrawImage:Draws the image.

Keywords: Bitmap, BMP, Draw, Graphical Image, Image, Screen,



The source code of MonoBitmap is located here.

This project is part of a collection of tools for.NET developers called openSUSE Developers Tools.

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A Java example is in the jMonkeyEngine (jME) Git Repository.
Java example on GitHub

A.NET example is in the SharpDevelop (SD) Git Repository.
.NET example on GitHub

MonoBitmap can also be used to view a bitmap image in a form of a list of byte arrays:

The MonoBitmap is also available as open source software from its original source repository on the CodePlex site.

See also



External links

Category:Free computer libraries
Category:Software using the MIT license# Canvas.js [![Build Status](

_Canvas is a 2D drawing context library for web standards based browsers. Easily create
a canvas element in your HTML page and add shapes, text and images. The canvas library
provides various useful methods for drawing shapes, text and images. The library also includes
functions for creating image maps and it supports an event model._

Canvas.js is a BSD-licensed open source project.

Check out the [documentation on]( for
additional information.

## Example



## Documentation

The documentation is available at []( You can
find all the API documentation in the [HTML](
section of the documentation.

## Contributing

Contributions are very welcome. If you’re interested in working on the library
please join our [mailing list](

## License

Copyright (c) 2013 Р2015 Jose Pe̱a

What’s New in the MonoBitmap?

MonoBitmap is a command-line tool that allows you to view a bitmap image into a string sequence of 0 and 1. You can also save the binary representation of the bitmap image to a file. MonoBitmap has no problem processing a very large image.


Use the command line application to view a bitmap image into a string sequence of 0 and 1, or save the binary representation to a file.

# The following is an example of how to view the bitmap image into a string# sequence of 0 and 1. The string sequence will be stored in the variable s.
# (s.length = number of bits in the bitmap image)
# Note: The image is saved to the file’monobitmap.bin’.
# We will use only the first 512 bytes of the image.
# To save the binary representation to a file, use the -f option.# For more info on bitmaps, see the web site
$ mono -mt:dom -md:msil -r:.\bin\Release\monobitmap.exe -f:monobitmap.bin 1> s

As you can see, the image is displayed into the console window. The binary representation is also printed into the console window (because the console window has not been resized, it prints the binary representation of the image in one line).

If you resize the console window, you will be able to see the binary representation of the image within the console window (but it will be represented in two lines).

The binary representation of the image is saved to the file monobitmap.bin.

Since MonoBitmap was developed in C#, the line that reads the image URL must be enclosed within a try…catch…finally block in order to properly handle errors that may occur when the image cannot be loaded from the URL.

The following example shows a few examples of how you can load and view an image into a string:

In this example, we display the image into the console window. The bitmap image is stored within the variable s. You can view the bitmap into a string sequence of 0 and 1 by specifying the length of the string sequence (in this case, the number of bits in the bitmap image).

In the example below, we view the bitmap image into a string sequence of 40 bits:

# The following is an example of how to view the bitmap image into a string# sequence of 40 bits. The string sequence will be stored in the variable s.
# (s.length = 40)
# Note: The image is saved to the file’monobitmap.

System Requirements:

System Requirements:
OS: Windows 10 64bit
Windows 10 64bit Processor: Intel Core i5
Intel Core i5 Memory: 6 GB
6 GB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 630 or higher
Intel HD Graphics 630 or higher DirectX: Version 12
Version 12 Storage: 45 GB available space
45 GB available space Emulators: Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS
Windows 10 64bit Processor: Intel Core i7
Intel Core i

