Sending an SMS message just got easier with CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service. With this innovative service, you can send SMS messages to virtually anyone, anywhere from the convenience of your computer.
RazSMSlib.dll is now a warpper for CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service making it posible to include phone messages sending in your own application. Please see razsmslib.h for functions names and descriptions. Examples for VB6 coders and BCB6/C++ included in the download package as well. All you need to do is get an account at You will have 5 free sms’es every day.


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RazSMSLib 1.2.4 Crack + With Registration Code

RazSMSLib Cracked Accounts.dll is a wrapper for CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service. CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service is text messaging for the pc. It is a free service, usually included with your phone service contract, or can be purchased as an option with your landline phone service. CallWave’s service is independent from your phone service provider. So it does not matter what phone service you have, you can still send SMS messages.
RazSMSLib Release Notes:
RazSMSLib.dll -0.01
– Inject device security header and key
– Cleaned up installation
You need the.dll file for your specific version of Windows.

The VCL (Visual Component Library) is a comprehensive set of components that add richness to VCL applications. This release brings some of the more popular VCL components to VCL for.NET. The components are integrated seamlessly into your application. For example, you can use the event driven UI components in your.NET application by just changing the component property set from the VCL to the VCL for.NET. Also, the VCL for.NET compatible VCL components in this release include the already popular VCL tools components, the VCL smart components, and some new icons.

NdspSvc is a NDI (Network Device Interface) server that provides a generic way for any application to interface to a CIFS-based Windows file server. It provides support for the CIFS, SMB and SMACK protocols and multiple backend storage backends.
CIFS is the CIFS standard for accessing Windows network based file systems. NdspSvc allows you to connect to Windows file servers using the CIFS protocol. NdspSvc is a simple to use CIFS client library that hides away all the low-level connections and error handling from you.
Supported Features:
NdspSvc supports both SMB and CIFS protocols and multiple backend storage backends:
• Native CIFS backend (be it scsi disks, USB disks, etc.)
• Native SMB backend
• Native SMACK backend (SMB 3.0)
• Direct memory mapped DAA (Direct Access API) backend for disk I/O
• LPC-based Socksx 4 server backend that supports SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols
• SQLite-backed backend

RazSMSLib 1.2.4 Crack+ License Key

RazSMSLib Download With Full Crack is a small free/open-source library which is part of a
Smack-like library for talking to two-way SMS Gateways. The library
is written in C, with parts written in C++ using the Boost
libraries. This library provides support for the SMS Gateway interface
defined by the protocol used by SMS Gateways.
*** It also provides a subset of the protocol definition for the
Open API version of the SMS Gateway protocol (SMPP)
CallWave’s Free Text Messaging:

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
How to use?
The library is thread-safe.
Get the library:
/path/to/RazSMSLib Product Key/
Download and unpack:
Double-click on the file to unzip it.
RazSMSLib Example:
RazSMSLib example
1) Compile the Source Code.
2) Connect to the CallWave Free Text Messaging Service:
“C:\\Program Files\\CallWave\\SMS free\Sms Free”
3) Start the Programm:
“C:\\Program Files\\CallWave\\SMS free\\Sms Free.exe”
4) Enter the Username you used for the account at (It
must be the same as you used in the Free Text Messaging service)
(You should get a message saying: “Username OK”)
5) Type the Number of your desired contact or “!Number” to send a
SMS/paging message to a single person.
6) Start typing or hit “Enter”. A list of matching contacts should
appear in the textbox. Scroll through them until you find the
desired contact.
7) Click on the contact’s name. The text will then be sent.
8) Click on the text to continue to an appropriate action.
For more information or bug reports, please read the READ

RazSMSLib 1.2.4 Crack Keygen For (LifeTime) Free Download PC/Windows 2022 [New]

RazSMSLib is a free, easy-to-use, Open Source library, written entirely in C, for sending text messages to people’s cell phones. Using it, you can send text messages to multiple phone numbers in a single action.
This library provides basic registration and instant messaging service via SMS.
RazSMSLib is the only SMS library developed by a small, local team in our area, and it is completely FREE!
Web site:

* Works with thousands of companies’ and carriers’ numbers;
* Works with cell phones and, more importantly, for every phone system (contract, pay-per-use, pre-paid, etc.);
* Works on all smartphones;
* Works with all carriers;
* Works on all OSs (more than 1.5 million phones on Windows and Mac OS have been tested);
* Works with Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG, Motorola, iPhone, Motorola, HTC, Samsung, T-Mobile, Cellco, Skype, Microsoft.
RazSMSlib website:
You do not need any special software or plug-in for your smartphone. Most smartphones have pre-installed an SMS application.
Installing RazSMSLib is as simple as copy-paste the library into the “libs” directory in your project.
The library is completely Free Software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
See Free Software license text at
RazSMSLib Download:
RazSMSLib Library:

RazSMSLib Sample:

RazSMSLib Resources:

RazSMSLib Help:

RazSMSLib Development discussion:

C-to-Java Code Converter:

Source Code:

What’s New In RazSMSLib?

* Receive SMS messages on your PC and convert them to text files for searching and analysis
* Send SMS messages from your PC to any phone in any country
* Turn your PC into a SMS gateway that can receive SMS text messages from anywhere in the world, including your SMS enabled mobile phone via internet or a virtual private network (VPN)
* Send SMS messages from any phone in any country to your SMS enabled mobile phone via internet or a virtual private network (VPN)

RazSMSLib.dll Usage (VB6, BCB6, C++, Delphi, C#,, J#, etc):
CallRazSMSLib(); //allows RazSMSLib functionality
RazRazSMSLib.Register(true, false, ‘Phone Number’, ‘Your SMS account’, ‘Your SMS password’, false, 20); //install RazSMSLib.dll and register RazSMSLib.dll.xml
SendRazSMSLib.Register(false, false); //register RazSMSLib.dll.xml and send the sms
MessageRazSMSLib.SendMessage(true, ‘My SMS message text’, ‘Your SMS ID’, ‘Your SMS password’); // send the sms
MessageRazSMSLib.CloseMessage(false); //close the message dialogs

RazSMSLib.dll Usage (Java):
RazSMSLib.register(); //allows RazSMSLib functionality
RazSMSLib.register(true, false, ‘Phone Number’, ‘Your SMS account’, ‘Your SMS password’, false, 20); // install RazSMSLib.dll and register RazSMSLib.dll.xml
RazSMSLib.send(true, ‘My SMS message text’, ‘Your SMS ID’, ‘Your SMS password’); // send the sms
RazSMSLib.close(); //close the message dialog

Why using RazSMSLib.dll?
CallWave’s Free Text Messaging service is more efficient for more people.
* Unlimited messages
* Unlimited phone numbers per user
* Free
* No credit card is required

Copyright (c) 2009 by CallWave, Inc. All rights reserved.
For More info visit:
and dermal lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells in eczema.
We have studied

System Requirements For RazSMSLib:

Recommended Hardware:
Windows 7/8/10
At least 4 GB of RAM
DirectX 11
At least a 1.6 GHz Dual-Core Processor
Recommended Processor:
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz or faster
AMD Athlon 64, 2.2 GHz or faster
4 GB of RAM (8 GB on Vista/7)
At least 1 GB of VRAM
Recommended Operating System:
Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)

