The PageHeap utility can be enabled for applications so that all malloc, new, and heapAlloc allocations are monitored automatically for memory errors.
This file contains the PageHeap utility, plus a PageHeap1 sample that demonstrates how to use the utility to detect memory errors.
Get PageHeap and give it a go to see just how useful it can actually be for you!









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PageHeap 2022 Crack ( is a tool that monitors malloc, new, and heapAlloc activities from its own address space and on other processes’ address spaces. The target address spaces can be “remote” (i.e., other processes) or “local” (i.e., the same process).
PageHeap also monitors the heapAlloc activity of other processes. One of the benefits of this utility is that it can detect the cause of a heap error and alert you (or your application) so that it can be identified and fixed.
PageHeap has three main components:

Section 6.5 contains the PageHeap utility.
The Utility Sample demonstrates how to use the PageHeap utility.
The PageHeap Design Process explains the design and development phases of the PageHeap utility.
Error Detection is a section that discusses the error detection feature of PageHeap.

The PageHeap utility can be used to detect the following types of memory errors:

Address Space errors.
HeapAlloc errors.
Heap related errors.

The utility can also monitor the heaps of other processes, as well as the heaps of your own process.

6.5 PageHeap Utility


In this section, you learn how to run the PageHeap utility, which is a utility that monitors malloc, new, and heapAlloc activities from its own address space and on other processes’ address spaces. The target address spaces can be “remote” (i.e., other processes) or “local” (i.e., the same process).


The PageHeap utility is a command line tool that has an efficient and lightweight design. It is particularly useful for detecting memory errors in your applications.

Setting Up

To set up the PageHeap utility on your development machine, use the following procedure.

To set up the PageHeap utility in the Visual Studio Command Prompt window, follow these steps:

If the PageHeap utility does not appear under [Visual Studio Command Prompt]\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat, follow these steps:

1. Open [Visual Studio Command Prompt].
2. Open the x86 Command Prompt.
3. Set environment variables.
4. run “cd \VC\vcvars32.bat” and wait for

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PageHeap is a simple utility that can be used to detect memory errors.
It can be used to locate them, and if they occur too frequently, it can be used to prevent them.
With PageHeap, an application can monitor and report on heapAlloc, malloc, new, and free’d memory allocations.
This includes both allocations on the stack and those in the heap.
This utility does not require any application changes or additional configuration.
PageHeap is designed to work with every application that allocates memory, whether it is a commercial or educational application.
The PageHeap utility can also be used to locate and correct other kinds of memory errors in applications, such as uninitialized variables and floating point exceptions.
PageHeap uses the low memory footprint as its only data source, so it is an ideal tool to add to any development system.
PageHeap can operate without any user interaction.
PagesHeap uses a “page heap” (or paged heap) format to store its memory data.
A page heap is a page-sized chunk of memory.
The exact size of a page heap depends on the operating system, but when the operating system has a large enough amount of memory, it can be much smaller than a full heap.
A page heap effectively divides the application’s heap memory into pages.
Each page can be thought of as a “sub-heap”.
The page heap is populated with all the free memory that exists in the application.
Using a page heap means that all allocations have the same size, regardless of whether they are used or free’d, and means that each application memory block is the same size.
This allows PageHeap to be as efficient as possible with memory and is the only way PageHeap can provide real-time monitoring of free’d memory.
PageHeap can be used to monitor the free’d memory in a full-heap application.
PageHeap also offers a more efficient method of freeing memory, by slowly freeing it instead of allocating an entire new page.
The PageHeap utility is available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OS X, the Mac OS, and the Palm OS.
PageHeap Version History:
Version 5.0 released February 1, 2010:
Now in the Palm OS emulator as well.
Version 4.5 released September 7, 2009:
New option for debugging Free List depth.
Improved compatibility with older versions of Java.

PageHeap Activation Code

PageHeap is a utility that automatically monitors all heap allocations and responses for memory errors.
PageHeap can be used as a simple mechanism to detect when memory errors occur or to help a user identify or troubleshoot memory errors.
PageHeap is available in the Microsoft Windows Debugging Kit (DbgKits) in the BIN\PageHeap folder.
PageHeap can be enabled by setting “PageHeap=1” in the registry.
This enables PageHeap and automatically responds to memory allocation attempts to ensure that memory errors are detected.
The PageHeap utility is a one-time tool.
Why Do We Need This Tool?
The OS needs a way to identify memory errors, allocate resources, and manage memory, so we provide the tools, the rules, and the format required to tell the OS that resources are being allocated and used.
The first step is to identify the size of memory that the OS can allocate.
The second step is to identify if this memory is being allocated or used.
We use the PageHeap utility to set up the rules and definitions in the registry that define how we identify these memory allocations.
PageHeap Process
PageHeap requires that two rules be defined:
1. The size of memory that we can allocate.
2. Whether this memory can be allocated.
When a memory allocation attempt is made, the pageheap utility analyzes the properties of the allocation to determine if a memory error exists.
PageHeap will record the memory allocation attempt and the allocation status as a “detail record.”
The PageHeap utility has two sets of memory records.
The first set of records has a unique ID for each allocation and each status it is recorded to.
The second set of records are called PageHeap events.
Each PageHeap event has a unique ID, a status, a memory size, a start time, and an end time.
Each event has a unique ID with a 3-part structure.
The first part is the timestamp the event occurred at.
The second part is the unique ID of the allocation.
The third part is the status that the memory allocation request is recorded to.
The status is either Used or Free.
We indicate that the allocation is in use with “Used.”
When an allocation is released, the status changes to “Free.”
When the allocation is ultimately used, the status changes to “Used.”

What’s New In?

When enabled, the PageHeap utility starts a thread which performs periodic scan operations to check for errors.
The scan operations are performed while the application is running and the utility does not slow down the program.
When an error is detected by the utility, it reports the error to the user.
The utility must be enabled prior to running the application.
Note: The utility is only activated for Linux-based applications, as the utility monitors Linux kernel memory allocation.
For Windows-based applications, the utility will wait for the user to enable it.
You can do so by selecting the PageHeap tab within the Progress dialog box.
This dialog box is shown in Figure 1.
You can click the ‘Enable PageHeap?’ button to activate the utility.
If the PageHeap utility is enabled when the application is run, the progress dialog box will show a link named ‘Enable PageHeap?’ in the right column.
If you click this link, the utility will be enabled.
The utility runs in the background and does not slow down the application.
The utility was designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, so you will not be bothered by it when the application runs.
To view and manage the list of PageHeap errors, click the ‘View’ tab.
You can find the list of errors in the “View PageHeap list of errors” dialog box.
If an error is detected by the utility, it will be listed on the ‘View PageHeap list of errors’ dialog box.
The errors are sorted by last error, shown in the same order in the list.
You can click any error in the dialog box to bring up its details.
You can also click the ‘Evaluator Settings’ link to view the settings for the utility.
Note: As of Progress 4.7, the utility is deprecated.
You should use the new Memory Validation Monitor now that it is fully functional.
Detailed PageHeap Usage:
To use the PageHeap utility, you must run it before the application starts.
To show how the utility works, we have prepared a small example application.
This sample contains the PageHeap1 utility, as well as a symbol table that is used by the utility.
In the example, you can click the ‘Enable PageHeap?’ button to activate the utility.
You will see that the utility will remain in the background until

System Requirements For PageHeap:

OS: Windows XP or later
Processor: Core i3 or later
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI/NVidia™ Radeon™ HD 4000
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 or later
Processor: Core 2 Duo or later
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 470
DirectX: Version 11.0c

