To download cracked games is the best and easiest way and we have lots of cracked games and applications. Just to mention, though, the download may slow your internet or you might find out if the file is protected with any kind of digital certificate.

Yes, it is the best and most convenient way to download cracked games. We include all kinds of games and applications. To mention, the download can slow your internet or it can be protected with any kind of digital certificate.

Hey you! Don´t be afraid to use our website, we make no secret of it: this website was built with the sole purpose of helping folks to get cracked apk downloads. Not everything we have is cracked of course, but the main focus is cracked games or applications. Of course we also include the usual paid application downloads, but the fact that they offer cracked apps probably outweighs any other advantage.

We support GameJolt as well, if you find an apk file, you can direct it to GameJolt and see if anyone else has uploaded it or modified it. We prefer GameJolt because it has more games than our website. See, on our site, there are lots of games that have been cracked or modded by others, but there really aren´t that many games on GameJolt. That being said, though, we promote the most trusted and trusted uploaders of cracked apps, like Revive File, Skidrow and GameDown.

Actually, the name of our website is However, we usually just search for “cracked apps”, so you will find many cracked files here. Sometimes the files are cracked by us, but most of the time, the file is cracked by another user. The reason why we have the extra website is to make sure that all of our files that are not cracked are still legitimate files. We do not have a special website for cracked apps or mods because sometimes we search for these files and do not find what we are looking for. This can happen if we are not looking for the right file.


