HDSalon is a feature-rich application that provides you with a plethora of tools for managing your salon, spa or beauty center in a more efficient and organized matter.
Comes with an appealing and easy to navigate interface
The setup is straightforward and, providing that you are already using a database to organize and manage your data, it can also be fast and smooth. The program comes with an intuitive and appealing GUI that is nearly organized using different time intervals, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
You can preview the appointments for the current day from the main window, a feature that can be convenient during the busy periods of the year. At the same time, the program enables you to issue invoices and register payments that are made by your clients on the spot. It goes without saying that you need to have a printer in order to issue invoices that you can handle your clients.
Allows you to manage customers, users and appointments
It is important to note that most of the features of the application can be accessed from the Set-Up window, although the function is not exactly highlighted and there is a chance you can miss it unless you hover your mouse over the toolbar.
In spite of its generic name, the set-up window is where the magic happens, as you can add, edit, search, delete, update, export and create accounts for all clients you register.
You will be happy to learn that you can easily filter through the data and hence, find the information you need rapidly. For instance, you can sort the invoices so that you can preview the ones that are pending or delivered or browse through the active clients only when preparing a promotion, for instance.
A handy tool for managing all aspects of spas and salons
In the eventuality that you are running a beauty center and would like to keep track of customers, employees, suppliers and appointments from the same location and without too much hassle, then perhaps HDSalon might be the tool to try out.







HDSalon Crack+ Free Download

With its innovative and refreshing design, HDSalon Torrent Download is a feature-rich application that provides you with a plethora of tools for managing your salon, spa or beauty center in a more efficient and organized matter. HDSalon comes with an appealing and easy to navigate interface. The setup is straightforward and, providing that you are already using a database to organize and manage your data, it can also be fast and smooth. The program comes with an intuitive and appealing GUI that is nearly organized using different time intervals, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. HDSalon can also be used to create and manage events, customers and services, as well as manage and report on staff.
HDSalon Features:
✔ Create unlimited clients, users, and appointments, in a convenient and flexible manner.
✔ Sort clients, customers, and appointments by customers, payment method, appointment time, name and status.
✔ Search your clients, appointments, customers and services using a simple and intuitive search interface.
✔ Personalize your users and services so that they are easier to identify with.
✔ Preview appointments from the main window.
✔ Group your clients into crews so that you can register them into one of the crew’s or appointments.
✔ Start an event from HDSalon and let your clients, staff, and clients know about it.
✔ HDSalon comes with a smart, yet easy-to-use document viewer that supports the popular document formats.doc,.txt,.csv, and.pdf.
✔ Import appointments from external applications like Outlook or Excel.
✔ Import a personalized service template.
✔ Use recurring services to set up a schedule.
✔ Send automated reminders.
✔ Configure your clients’ customer cards and their payment method.
✔ Set up and manage services for your clients.
✔ Automatically send invoices to your clients at the end of the month.
✔ Classify clients into different queues according to their appointment time.
✔ Send invoices for clients.
✔ Import customer, staff, and service profiles.
✔ Export a partial or an entire client.
✔ Export your clients, services, users, events, and appointments.
✔ Export and save settings as a template.
✔ Export as XML.
✔ Export as CSV.
✔ Export customers, appointments, and services.
✔ Export staff and staff

HDSalon Crack + Free X64

HDSalon is a feature-rich application that provides you with a plethora of tools for managing your salon, spa or beauty center in a more efficient and organized matter.
Comes with an appealing and easy to navigate interface
The setup is straightforward and, providing that you are already using a database to organize and manage your data, it can also be fast and smooth. The program comes with an intuitive and appealing GUI that is nearly organized using different time intervals, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
You can preview the appointments for the current day from the main window, a feature that can be convenient during the busy periods of the year. At the same time, the program enables you to issue invoices and register payments that are made by your clients on the spot. It goes without saying that you need to have a printer in order to issue invoices that you can handle your clients.
Allows you to manage customers, users and appointments
It is important to note that most of the features of the application can be accessed from the Set-Up window, although the function is not exactly highlighted and there is a chance you can miss it unless you hover your mouse over the toolbar.
In spite of its generic name, the set-up window is where the magic happens, as you can add, edit, search, delete, update, export and create accounts for all clients you register.
You will be happy to learn that you can easily filter through the data and hence, find the information you need rapidly. For instance, you can sort the invoices so that you can preview the ones that are pending or delivered or browse through the active clients only when preparing a promotion, for instance.
A handy tool for managing all aspects of spas and salons
In the eventuality that you are running a beauty center and would like to keep track of customers, employees, suppliers and appointments from the same location and without too much hassle, then perhaps HDSalon might be the tool to try out.

Choose an SSD, that is if you are planning to store high-end data for your business, for example, video editing, technical documents and CAD (Computer Aided Design) files. To optimize the SSD, you can install a couple of programs.
The first step is to create a new partition on the disk. A disk can have more than one partition. The most common is two partitions: one for system files and one for


For efficient day-to-day management, your salon or spa needs a software tool. HDSalon is an easy to use but highly powerful software designed to assist you in your day-to-day salon management.
HDSalon comes with an intuitive interface that allows you to quickly customize your services list, assign services to your clients and schedule appointments.
Capture appointments for efficient scheduling
– Create more than one service list for your clients and set the schedule for each of them independently.
– Make appointments according to the list of services you created and schedule them.
– Verify and preview appointments and add notes of clients.
– Invoicing with HDSalon can be achieved in just a few steps.
Collaborate with your clients, employees and suppliers
HDSalon helps you effectively manage your clients, employees, suppliers and billing.
Create and manage a client profile
– Create a client profile.
– Import and export client profiles.
– Edit client profile.
– Query and update client data.
– Create employees for your salon.
– Establish their profiles and update their data.
– Query, update and delete employee profiles.
– Send PMS mail for emailing of invoices.
Take the payment for each client and employee.
– Capture payment with HDSalon.
– Invoice for each client.
– Invoicing with HDSalon is not only simple but also fast.
Manage your inventory in your salon.
Track the sales and delivery of your inventory through barcode scanning.
Enter inventory quantities and store purchase details.
Manage staff attendance records and take attendance reports.
– Manage the attendance record of your employees.
– Enter the attendance report.
Print labels and mailers for your clients.
– Print labels for your clients.
– Print mailers for your clients.
– Update the label and mailer.
– Print invoice with HDSalon.
– Invoicing with HDSalon is not only simple but also fast.
Backup the content of your website.
– Back up the data of your website.
– Make a backup of the content of your website.
– Upload the backup.
– Update the website on your PC.
– Update the website on your mobile devices.
– Don’t forget to update the address of your website on your PC and mobile devices.
Get in touch with your clients.
HDSalon enables you to generate

What’s New In?

Being able to plan ahead is the essence of any successful entrepreneur. No matter how big or small your venture, you should always pay attention to the future. Planning ahead leads to less stress, increased business opportunities and well-balanced finances.
HDSalon is an advance scheduling application, which helps you to plan ahead. This practical application lets you set appointments for your clients and keep track of them throughout the year.
Besides being your personal scheduling assistant, the program also serves as a billing tool, a reminder service and a data management system. With the help of HDSalon, you can keep a detailed record of the appointments and clients you made in your salon, spa or beauty center.
HDSalon is ideal for small businesses that want to keep track of their appointments and the appointments of their clients. It can also be used by those who want to manage their scheduling from one central location.
– Beautiful visual interface
– Excel style spreadsheet
– Record customer data
– Create appointments
– Background appointments
– Record payments
– Bill customers
– Send receipts to customers
– Shortcut keys
– Cancel appointments
– Reclaim customers from other programs
– Currency & currency conversion
– Unlimited number of customers
– Unlimited number of appointments
– Unlimited number of appointments
– Unlimited number of dates
– Unlimited number of days
– Unlimited number of events
– Unlimited number of payments
– Unlimited invoices
– Unlimited payments
– Unlimited clients
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers
– Unlimited suppliers

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 250 GB available space
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8400GS 1024 MB, or AMD Radeon X1300 1024 MB
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
How to install:
The first thing to do is download the installer from our site. Once downloaded, double-click on the installer to start the installation process. You�


