While the official Twitter application has received some updates and is no longer the stretched-out mobile version, it seems that it still does not use the extra space provided by modern computer displays. If this bothers you a lot, then perhaps it is time to consider a third-party Twitter client and ModernDeck is one alternative to consider.
All Twitter data is neatly displayed in columns
For starters, the interface looks and feels a lot better compared to the official Twitter app. The GUI is designed in several tabs that are organized by default as Home, #VDPAU and notifications in the Home section. Moreover, the interface is a dashboard with all links displayed in the left section for easy and quick access.
The highlight of the client stems from the numerous customization options available. To put it simply, you can personalize the sizes of the column and text, fonts, sizes and shapes of profile pictures and the overall theme. At the same time, you can customize the behavior of Tweets, meaning that you allow the app to stream in real time, automatically play GIFs or set alert sounds.
On a side note, if you used other third-parties clients before, then you will be happy to learn that you can import the settings directly and save some time with configuring the looks and feel of Twitter.
An alternative to the official Twitter client to account for
A noteworthy feature is the Mutes that can be quite useful nowadays when certain topics tend to overwhelm news feeds. In case you want to exclude words and phrases from showing up in the feed simply add it to the dedicated section in the Settings.
In the eventuality that you are using Twitter regularly and would like to have more customization and sorting options, then perhaps you can consider giving ModernDeck a try.







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In case you are wondering, ModernDeck is no longer an underdog client as it recently announced a major update that added quite a few tweaks to the formerly used beta version.
The interface is designed in a tabbed design with two columns for displaying Tweets: an action column for functionalities like “ReTweet”, “Share” and “Liked”, and a personal one for display the most important profile information. This interface is easily customizable. So, if you wish to have a look and feel of Twitter classic, then you will be able to change the column width and view profile pictures full-screen.
While you could certainly get carried away in the customization options of ModernDeck, there are already many other third-party alternatives with more or less the same features and functionality. To name a few, you can also try Clutter or Twidere for Twitter and Twitterific for the iPhone.

In 2017, Snapchat has been the most significant app amongst teens aged 13-17. This year, Snapchat has managed to add extra features, a recent example being the introduction of the all-new Stories feature.

In 2017, Snapchat has been the most significant app amongst teens aged 13-17. This year, Snapchat has managed to add extra features, a recent example being the introduction of the all-new Stories feature.

It’s been so long since we last heard about Instagram, but after its acquisition by Facebook, the social network has been receiving lots of attention.

For example, Instagram is the only social media platform that lets you share photos and video but more importantly, it lets you search for posts by hashtags.

Mashed up with tweets, Instagram is an excellent place to discover the news of the day or find out what your friends are talking about.

Since time is of the essence in today’s rapidly evolving social media world, you may be wondering how to optimize your Instagram account for search.

And there are plenty of ways to do so. In this article, we take a look at a few of the best Instagram search optimization tips and tricks.

Instagram search on Google
If you’re using Instagram on Google, and want to be able to easily find your Instagram posts, you can simply add #.

You might want to include the “.” so that Instagram doesn’t think you’re searching Twitter.

Google search also lets you search

ModernDeck 9.3.0 Crack Free [April-2022]

You may have already seen some of the Twitter clients mentioned here, but are you aware that ModernDeck is not only a customizable client but also a mobile OS? Well, that is how it was born and that is exactly why it is launching an alpha version today.
The idea is to create a unique OS that not only provides Twitter app integration but also supports browsing, mail, apps and even apps for sharing pictures or videos. All your apps will be available at your fingertips from a dedicated section where you can also access the native functionality of the device itself.
However, at the moment, it is only in the alpha stage and that will still be the case until it is released officially, which should happen by the end of this year. So, it is understandable why the app is still in the development phase. Still, the idea is quite interesting and it is great that it has a lot of support behind it.
In case you are interested in checking it out you can download the current alpha version, it is available for free for Android and iOS devices and you can let us know what you think about it in the comments below.

Chrome browser has been one of the best-selling browsers worldwide for a while now. If you have an Android phone, chances are that you have Chrome installed on it. In case you are not aware, Chrome for Android features a lot of Google’s services, extensions and add-ons, such as its Google Wallet for Android app or the Google Assistant, which is available on Android phones.

A little while ago Google added the ability to run Chrome on almost any smartphones, tablets and embedded systems; bringing a lot of new services and a cleaner UI than before. While some might not consider this a big deal, you should know that being able to run Chrome on almost any device could turn out to be huge for a lot of consumers, especially for those who prefer to use their phones as a computer.

For example, using Chrome for Android on a tablet feels natural thanks to the UI, which is displayed on a traditional computer screen. Also, those who use their smartphones as a primary computer (phones with touchscreens) should find that it’s much more comfortable navigating the web and apps using Chrome.

Being able to run Chrome on almost any device is a huge plus and here is why:

Chrome is based on open-source code

By being based on open-source code, Google can make sure that Chrome runs on all

ModernDeck 9.3.0 Crack+ PC/Windows

ModernDeck for Twitter is a third-party Twitter client that is designed to support account management, and tweet streaming, both as a native app for Windows, macOS and Linux, and as a web app via the official modern.deck.com website.
It is fully compatible with all Twitter APIs, offers enhanced customization tools and is more stable and faster than the official Twitter application.

Twitter can be a valuable asset when it comes to spreading information quickly and widely; in fact, the more tweets and followers you have, the more valued you are in some circles. Though the official Twitter application takes pride in its stability and performance, sometimes it can be slow to load or at times takes a while to send a tweet. This is when you need to look for an alternative to the official client, and as it turns out, the application ModernDeck for Twitter fits the bill.
How does ModernDeck for Twitter work?
The application works through the modern.deck.com website and is one of a number of alternative Twitter apps designed to avoid the potential for issues and bugs that arise from using the official Twitter client. It offers more features than its counterparts and the built-in menu layout is arranged in rows and columns for easy access to options.
The application is designed to display a timeline of tweets and the timeline can be accessed by clicking the timeline button, enabling you to read the latest tweets. Likewise, you can access the user’s twitter feed by simply clicking the tweet button. To manage your profile, just click on your name on the top right of the application.
As the Twitter application is open to third-party applications, you can choose to download and install the native client onto your computer or alternatively the application can be accessed through modern.deck.com. The desktop client even supports Windows XP and is available for Mac and Linux.
The interface of the application is designed to be clean and minimal with the various options neatly displayed in rows and columns for easy access. Indeed, this is one key feature about the application that sets it apart from the official Twitter client.
Adding your details
The application is designed to be easy to use and you can add your basic details such as your profile picture, Twitter handle and bio within a matter of seconds. Moreover, you can select the type of notification you want to receive as well as set up favorite accounts. Furthermore, you can add a number of filters to your search including keywords, locations and hashtags to enable you to focus on particular matters.

What’s New in the ModernDeck?

ModernDeck is a clean and smart Twitter client for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. You can browse your timelines, unfollow people, view popular and profile-specific lists, read and reply to messages. Plus, with our character-counted tweets, you can actually have a conversation.

For the past few days, Twitter has been displaying loading indicators for each timeline view, so it can take up to a few minutes before your tweets even appears. The bug seems to have been caused by a change to reduce the number of times an API request was made during the update process, which in turn reduced the number of times it had to be updated on your iPad.
The reason why there are often these long waiting periods on the timeline can be because the changes are asynchronous. If you have 10,000 tweets, you need to keep their current data in a cache, so that each time you open it you don’t have to wait for each and every one of them.
The issue is not confined to timelines, though. You can also expect to have times when you open the app or browse any other menu and find that a load indicator appears without doing anything. Twitter is aware of the issue and has filed a bug report with Apple.
The problem is most apparent when you tap and hold on a timeline, which will show a loading status bar. You also get a similar experience when tapping the “More” button to view follow lists and following lists. You can safely ignore this if you just want to view your timelines, but for those who care about it you should know what’s going on.
Twitter has fixed a long-standing issue where it could take up to five hours to sync iOS 7
To better understand what happened in the past, you can refer to this thread on Apple’s support forums, where a Twitter employee has confirmed that the problem was not because of the iOS 7 update, but because of “a fix [that] went out to some of [Twitter’s] servers.”
Here’s what happened:
“The fix is not iOS 7 related. It is a fix for some load balancing issues on our servers. It has to do with our internal system,” wrote a Twitter staffer. “When you view your stats, you are, most likely, seeing the changes to our load balancing system.”
If you want to see if your tweets are arriving faster, it’s best to check the “Show the exact time” option in the “Additional Settings” section.
“When you have this enabled

System Requirements For ModernDeck:

* Windows 98SE/2000/XP
* Pentium 100MHz
* 512 MB RAM
* 32 MB (recommended, optional)
* DirectX 9.0c
* 1280×1024
* This tutorial requires you to download and install Cheat Engine
* If you are new to Cheat Engine you can visit the official website here
* Cheat Engine can be downloaded from this link
* Save this document to your desktop


