Qanun-e-shahadat Order 1984 In Urdu Pdf 24golkesgolkes
Section .
Article 27(1)(b) of the Constitution .
For purposes of legal proceedings, a person is deemed to have .
The witness in the case of a charge of .
This Order may be made by .
Section .
In his charge to the jury, the Magistrate should make such an explanation as will be satisfactory to the jury, and be likely to cause them to examine the evidence with more care and attention .
Section .
This Order may be made by .
Article .
Justice (1) A person who claims to be aggrieved by .
The judge may further ask questions, for the purpose of obtaining the fullest information, to any witness .
Section .
The superior court shall have power to .
The judge may further ask questions for the purpose of obtaining the fullest information to any witness .
Jailed over .
Section .
The jury shall in any case be permitted to take into their .
By the amending Act, 1874, the question as to the right of the jury to go out to view the place where any accused has been discovered guilty of the offence charged against him or her, was provisionally reserved, and this question was afterwards submitted to a full Court, as a leading question on appeal. This proviso is now taken as settled by the judgment of the Privy Council in the case of Tancred v. Cook.
It is well settled that, in criminal cases, questions to be put to witnesses by the judge must be directed to the specific matter in issue, and that the only proper way for the judge to get evidence is by asking questions suggested by the circumstances. As said by Lord Blackburn, in the case of Smith v. Hardy, (1881) 14 Q.B.D. 597, the judge is not permitted to ask questions suggested by himself, or the knowledge which he has, but must, so far as the case may be, limit himself to the facts laid before him by the parties.
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In the case of King v. Crabb, (1934) 1 K.B. 1011, the judge asked questions suggested by himself, and those suggested by the plaintiffs’ counsel. It was held by Lord Branson, in delivering the opinion of the court, that the judge’s questions were not limited by the facts laid before him, and that the plaintiff was entitled to have all the
Every accused is guilty until proven innocent, even in the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Law of Evidence), however, the accused should have the benefit of every doubt and he/she is innocent until proven guilty. Article 19 of Pakistan’s Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 (Law of Evidence) provides that courts are not bound by judicial precedents, however, courts are required to consider such precedents in the exercise of judicial discretion. Article 17 of Pakistan’s Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 (Law of Evidence) requires judges to take steps to protect the accused’s interest in proceedings. Testimonial evidence is deemed conclusive and not contradictory in character. qanun e shahadat order 1984 in urdu pdf 24golkesgolkes Article 20 of Pakistan’s Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 (Law of Evidence) provides that evidence may be detained. Article 16 of Pakistan’s Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 (Law of Evidence) grants the right of appeal. Article 17 of Pakistan’s Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 (Law of Evidence) provides that the accused must not have been committed to confinement or suffered penalties for an offence which has resulted from the alleged crime. Urdu Article published in Law Report of Pakistan, New Delhi : Federal Law Gazette Press, Lahore. Provision is made for the protection of the accused, witnesses and prosecuting authorities. While considering the evidence, the Judge shall take into account the circumstances of the case, including any admissions made by the accused. Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984 in Urdu 2014 Edition PDF Format is the third Law of Pakistan in Law Reports of Pakistan. Dunn Muhammad, A: An Introduction to Law Reporting : Lahore : Punjab Law College, Lahore :Pakistan Law College, 2008. Physical description . She may be subjected to any kind of confinement and treatment, but before her confinement or treatment, she must be given ample opportunity to consult a senior citizen, a general practitioner or a psychiatrist. This digital version of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Law of Evidence) in Urdu PDF format is not an official version of Law and the same is being made available at the request of participants of Sindh Board Intermediate Public Examinations in year 1997 595f342e71
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