SQL Azure ODBC Driver Crack+

Visual C#/.NET Applications, VB6.0, VB.NET.
SQL Azure ODBC Driver is a reliable, fast and easy to use way of connecting to Microsoft SQL Azure.
It helps you develop and deploy programs that work with the SQL Azure database
While it is common to connect to SQL Azure using a SQL Server client such as SQL Server Management Studio, this involves the vendor providing the connectivity tool, which isn’t always suitable for a large scale connection.
SQL Azure ODBC driver creates a standalone ODBC driver on your local computer which you can use to connect to a SQL Azure database as if it were a local SQL Server database.
You can use SQL Azure ODBC driver to:
Use the SQL Azure database from any application that can use ODBC drivers and can run on any computer, regardless of operating system or programming language.
Work with a Microsoft SQL Server database and publish, maintain, scale and manage your SQL Azure database from one tool.
Access SQL Azure database using SQL Server queries.
Implement native client access from a variety of languages, including C++, C#,.NET languages, Java, JScript, Perl and PHP.
Connect to SQL Azure using Visual Basic, C++, C#, Java,.NET and scripting languages with native ODBC driver.
Access SQL Azure database using SQL queries.
SQL Azure ODBC driver is an ODBC driver for Microsoft SQL Azure.
With it, you can access the database remotely and with your favorite application.
You can use this driver to:
SQL Azure SQL Server Driver can be installed by double clicking the sqlazuredriver.msi package or by downloading and running the setup.exe file.
Unzip the file and double click on the zipped package. The setup will automatically start the installation process.
Once the installation process has finished, you can start the Server Manager window by clicking “Start”, clicking “All Programs”, “Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2”.
Click “SQL Server Management Studio”.
Click on “Extended Tools”.
Click on “ODBC Data Source Administrator”.
Double click on the “ODBC Data Sources” to start the ODBC Data Sources Properties.
Click the “+” to create a new Data Source.
Give the data source a name and choose “Microsoft SQL Server” as the database engine.
In the Server Name field, enter the server name of the SQL Azure server.
In the Database Name field, enter the database name

SQL Azure ODBC Driver PC/Windows

The ODBC Monitor is a software for monitoring, analysing and managing the database connectivity.
SQL Azure ODBC driver supports the ODBC monitor to capture the connection status of the remote SQL Server databases.
This component can also be integrated in a remote or on-premise server to connect to it via the ODBC interface.
KEYMACRO Description:

SQL Azure Data Sync Service is a highly optimized cloud service that connects to multiple databases to synchronize their data to your cloud environment.
SQL Azure Data Sync Service provides you with full integration with the SQL Azure platform, allowing you to keep multiple, on-premise SQL Server databases in sync with cloud-based services.
SQL Azure Data Sync Service is an excellent platform for building multi-tenant databases on the cloud and simplifying the management and migration of data.
The tool uses SQL Azure Data Sync features for the cloud-based synchronization and the feature allows to synchronize the data on any number of databases in the cloud.
You can also create a cloud backup of the data with the help of the tool by synchronizing all the data on multiple SQL Server databases.
The tool can connect to SQL Azure databases of all versions, including SQL Azure Simple, SQL Azure Standard, SQL Azure General and SQL Azure Premium.
KEYMACRO Description:

SQL Azure Data Sync is an intelligent and advanced cloud-based solution that integrates all the SQL Azure databases into one service to synchronize the data and provide you with a unique service.
SQL Azure Data Sync uses SQL Azure Data Sync features and provides you with all the benefits of the cloud data synchronization technology.
The tool uses SQL Azure Data Sync features for the cloud-based synchronization and the features allow you to synchronize the data on any number of databases.
The tool can also be configured to provide a backup of all the data from all the SQL Azure databases to a remote destination.
The tool can be connected to any SQL Azure versions, including SQL Azure Simple, SQL Azure Standard, SQL Azure General and SQL Azure Premium.
SQL Azure Data Sync also supports the cross-platform implementation and it can be used with both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
KEYMACRO Description:

The SQL Azure Data Sync Server is a highly optimized cloud service that connects to multiple databases to synchronize their data.
SQL Azure Data Sync Server is an excellent platform for building multi-tenant databases on the cloud and simplifying the management and migration of data.
The tool uses SQL Azure

SQL Azure ODBC Driver Free

This software is the complete solution to directly access your SQL Azure database.

This solution allows you to connect with the SQL Azure database using the ODBC connection. You can set a Direct connection to SQL Azure Database using the latest and easy to use ODBC DSN.

By using this tool you can easily implement the security mechanism by preventing unauthorized access to your database.

This software provides features to manage connections with the database, create new connection or modify the existing ones.

In this version we can support read only and read/write both connections and for multi thread and single thread applications.

Supported features:

Supports the latest ODBC Standard Protocols (ODBC 3.51/4.0/4.1)

Supports the latest ODBC Data Source protocols (ODBC 3.51/4.0/4.1)

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Database Engine

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 R2 Database Engine

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Database Engine

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Engine

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine

Supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Engine

Supported platforms:

Windows 7/Vista/XP

Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012


Mac OS X

Supports the ODBC 3.51

Supports the ODBC 4.0

Supports the ODBC 4.1

Supported data types:

Data Types (ODBC 3.51/4.0/4.1)










Fixed Length

Variable Length



Small Int















Time Zone



Binary Large Object

Any Datatype







What’s New in the SQL Azure ODBC Driver?

SQL Azure ODBC driver is a suitable solution for integrating a reliable connectivity system and ensure the access to an SQL Azure database through your application.
The tool enables you to implement database support for your application, via a direct connection, with the help of the ODBC interface.
The direct connection provides you with a stable and secure path to the data you require, allowing you to add, remove or edit the database entries.
The purpose of this type of connection is to avoid using a third party applications to ensure the access to the database.
Instead, you can link to the database via the ODBC interface and TCP/IP protocols so that you can enjoy higher, more reliable transfer speeds.
SQL Azure ODBC driver can be integrated within applications built both for the 64-bit and 32-bit architectures. Moreover, you can also implement the direct connectivity function in cross-platform programs
The tool offers full support for two common ODBC interface components, namely Data Types and API functions.
Thanks to the Advanced Connection String, you can create the direct connection between the database and both desktop or Web applications, as long as they are ODBC compliant.
SQL Azure ODBC driver includes advanced data access algorithms and optimization techniques, designed to help you generate powerful data access layers.
The tool facilitates a speedy connectivity and data transfer, plus it allows you to easily configure the connection details.
Once installed, you can configure SQL Azure ODBC driver from the ODBC Data sources.
You need to specify a Data Source Name, the database server, port and title, plus optional details: a short description, username and password. The advanced settings include enabling NULL strings or emptying strings as NULL in the metadata.

* 32 bit and 64 bit compatible driver
* Native Windows OS Support
* Automatic ODBC driver installation
* Support of SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle databases
* Supports SQL Azure
* ODBC query and data execution
* Scalar, function and table results
* Connection string creation
* Tab delimited results
* Supports Windows (32 bit/64 bit) ODBC driver
* Supports SQL Server 2008, MySQL and Oracle databases

Supported Driver version:

ODBC 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5

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System Requirements:

Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
OS: Windows 7 (64-bit only)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 capable
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 8 GB available space
Recommended Specifications:
Memory: 3 GB RAM


