Wolga is a gadget that will allow you to boot a computer remotely.
Most modern motherboards with an embedded Ethernet controller support WoL. Usually Wake on LAN must be enabled in the Power Management section of the motherboard’s BIOS.
It may also be necessary to configure the computer to reserve power for the network card when the system is shut down. (In Windows, in “Device Manager” -> “Network Card”)
To use the functionality of WOL, you need the IP and the MAC address your computer. You can use broadcast address as IP if you want to wake up a computer on local are network. Wake-up also works over the internet if your/ISP’s router allows to recieve and forward magic packets


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Wolga is a command line tool that acts as a network-agnostic, programmable, and pluggable interface between your computer’s power management system and a physical (USB or Ethernet) network interface.
Though Wolga is not a user-friendly tool, it nonetheless can wake a computer completely transparently (as a network request) when it is signaled via magic packets, without needing user interaction.
So, can you wake a computer remotely?
Wolga is not a solution for only one of the following problems:

Wake a laptop from standby only when it’s connected to a network.
Wake a laptop from an ethernet cable.
Wake a laptop when a remote pushcord is pushed.

These are three separate use cases which Wolga is not designed to solve.
Wolga is designed to solve the following problem only:

Let’s say you have five computers (computers A, B, C, D, and E) in a physical network.
The computers A and D has already been configured to not sleep when they are not connected to a network.
However, the rest of the computers (B, C, and E) may not be configured in the same way.
You do want to wake computer B, C, and E so they can wake up when they are connected to the network.

I’ve tested it with a Linux server and it worked pretty good.
And I might even make a simple GUI for that.
If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.
Before going to the tutorial, make sure you have the following:

Wolga and Wolga-server installed
Arpwatch is installed (if you are using a ethernet)
Wolga-tools (from github; it’s a small, minimal version of tools used by Wolga)

How to test it?
Try to wake the computer A, B, and C from a computer that has Wolga running and the computer can ping one of these three computers.
Configure the wakeup computer so it can broadcast the magic packet.
At least one of the computers should get the magic packet.
Note that you must configure and test the wakeup when the computer is connected to a network that you have access to.

1. Prepare the computers:
I’ll give simple examples, but the steps you have to do in your own system may vary.
On all

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Wolga is a bootable tool that allows you to remotely wake up an computer over the network using a magic packet and enable WOL.
It supports both the Wake-on-LAN and IPoE.

How it works:
Wolga sends magic packets to the target computer which then wake up the computer.
Wolga is fully bootable, you can choose to load or store the sleep.json or sleep.cfg file at once or load it on demand
(sleep.json can also be written directly to a USB drive).

Use cases:
Wolga can be used to wake up a computer that is not connected to the internet or connect to a router that has not been programmed to wake up on the internet.
It can be used to control computers that are not within radio range, that are not on the same network.
It can be used to wake up to prevent a “Wake on LAN” attack.
It can be used to solve computer shutdown when there are no keyboard/mouse.
It can be used to prevent power cycling or reset during a long operation in case it does not have a UPS.
(Currently Wolga does not support remote reset.)

Wolga (Wake-on-LAN):
WOL is a technology that allows a computer to be “Woken Up” in the same way as a mobile phone wakes up, by a “Magic Packet”.

WOL can be enabled on many motherboards, but it depends on the motherboard manufacturer.
To check if WOL is enabled you can check the specification of the motherboard by yourself with your computer manufacturer.

To enable WOL in your motherboard’s BIOS you can select wake on LAN from the main settings.
Once WOL is enabled, you can activate a sleep.json file or a.cfg file.

Wolga requires the use of a “Magic Packet”.
A Magic Packet is a packet of information, constructed by combining a user-defined number of bytes with a pseudo-random number generator, and sent to a target computer using a type of packet called a “Magic Packet”.

There are three kinds of Magic Packets:

The first type sends a Magic Packet and a Magic Packet ID over the network, requesting the wake-up of the computer.
(Magic Packet + Magic Packet ID)

The second type sends a Magic Packet and a Magic Pack

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Wolga is a tool that will allow you to boot a computer remotely.
Wolga is a tool that will allow you to boot a computer remotely.
Most modern motherboards with an embedded Ethernet controller support Wake on LAN. Usually Wake on LAN must be enabled in the Power Management section of the motherboard’s BIOS. It may also be necessary to configure the computer to reserve power for the network card when the system is shut down.

WoL is enabled by default on almost all modern motherboards with an embedded Ethernet controller.If not, it can be enabled in BIOS.

The MAC address is the address your computer shows in the
network cards configuration. Usually it is the same as the
MAC address of network card. In some cases it might be
different. The IP address is something that only your network
adapter can tell. We need the IP to boot your computer.

WoL is enabled by default on almost all modern motherboards with an embedded Ethernet controller.If not, it can be enabled in BIOS.

The MAC address is the address your computer shows in the
network cards configuration. Usually it is the same as the
MAC address of network card. In some cases it might be
different. The IP address is something that only your network
adapter can tell. We need the IP to boot your computer.

It uses ip address in the ifconfig output to verify that the port is open.
-I always have to say this, but ifconfig does a great job, even with the command line editing most people aren’t aware of. It covers a lot of what you may or may not have tried.

– Then you configure your laptop to listen for the magic packet. Either via a window (windows) or a terminal (linux).

WOL is enabled by default on almost all modern motherboards with an embedded Ethernet controller.If not, it can be enabled in BIOS.

The MAC address is the address your computer shows in the
network cards configuration. Usually it is the same as the
MAC address of network card. In some cases it might be
different. The IP address is something that only your network
adapter can tell. We need the IP to boot your computer.

It uses ip address in the ifconfig output to verify that the port is open.
-I always have to say this, but ifconfig does a great job, even with the command line editing most people aren’t aware

What’s New In?

Wolga is a gadget that will allow you to boot a computer remotely.
It could provide an easy way to wake your computer up even if you did not plug it in before. Of course, you can do this manually.
Also, it will help you send remote wake up magic packets to other computer or network (that you control)
There are some details to make this a more advance and useful tool but is can be used in the same way as you would use the Wake On LNEtwork feature in many motherboards, as well as switching back an forth from a computer that you can wake up and a computer that is not.
There are two ways you can use this.
a) Wake up a computer over the internet
b) Wake up a computer over a local network
Warning : Only wake a computer after it has been turned off.
a) Wake up a computer over the internet
Create an account and search for your computer at web site, login and then wake up the computer.
b) Wake up a computer over a local network
Go to the site and create an account, login and then wake up the computer.
Wolga Features:
a) Wake up a computer
b) Wake up a computer over the internet
c) Wake up a computer over a local network
d) Wake up a computer when it will turn off
e) Wake up a computer when it has been turned on for a while (if the power was up)
f) Wake up a computer when it has been turned off for a while (if the power was down)
g) Wake up a computer after it have been booted (if the power was down)
h) Set an account on their computer
i) Add the computer to a list
j) Delete the account on their computer (if it exist)
k) Logout on their computer (If it was logged in)
l) Logout from there computer

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
CPU: Intel Core i3 4GB RAM
If you already own the demo version you need to uninstall it, otherwise the full version will be on sale.
What’s new:
– Play as either the Adversary or the Prophet, free to decide, and act as you please.
– Introduce a new Darkness that affects your movement and allies.
– New maps and environments.
– New campaign and all-new Black


