Get A Grip On This Let’s be completely honest here. Dating is hard, and it’s always easier if you have a plan. Otherwise you’re probably going to end up with someone who falls in the category of “dud” and you will have wasted all that time. Whether it’s a friend who is dating advice or a dating consultant, you can find the guidance you need to help you get the most out of your interactions with the opposite sex. This is the beauty of the “Dude, Where’s My Planking?” memes. When you realize that a platonic sexual act is only a few finger thrusts away, that really puts things into perspective and you can make the most out of it. But in the real world, where you’re not banking on a platonic handjob, you need to have a plan. Ned’s Guide: Dating is all about the kiss. Just like with so many other things in life, it starts with the kiss. The first thing you want to do when going out with a woman is kiss her. If you do this right, she should grab onto you. At this point, you need to walk away a bit so she can do her own thing. After all, you’re making her uncomfortable with your tongue, so leave her alone. After you’ve kissed her, you want to pay attention to the body language. You’re supposed to be interested in her. If you see that she’s uncomfortable, step in and talk to her. Offer to buy her a drink, and offer to buy her a kiss. If she starts to make you uncomfortable, go find another woman and learn to be coy. If you don’t know any women and are a regular at the bar you’re at, the bartender will be able to help you learn to be a man. Finally, there’s a technique where you work as much as you can and as little as you have to. Most women like to go out and, if they’re comfortable, will go with you. Don’t be nervous or pushy; that’s the kiss of death and, more often than not, a means of making her vomit. Learn to be relaxed so you won’t have to ask so many questions and get all worked up. Once you’ve learned to get a kiss, you can move on to more advanced techniques. Try opening doors for her, then watch what she does. A lot of women like it, especially if they’re tired or have had a long day. If
But don’t be afraid! Dating isn’t difficult—it’s all about the right mindset and a few little tips you can practice today to ensure you find your first (or 25th or 50th) long-term love. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask There’s a delicate balance between cocky, inappropriate behavior and “let me ask you something” behavior. You’re right! You should be able to ask anything, no matter how personal or embarrassing it is. But you shouldn’t ask so many questions that you’re making people uncomfortable, or that they feel you’re being “overly involved” or “pushy,” or that they feel like you’re not letting them get away with anything. “Questions open up lines of conversation and often draw out more about a person’s personality and interests,” says Sam Kelly, author of Get Lucky with the Right Guy. So what’s the difference between appropriate, personal questions and those you may be perceived as “poking and prodding”? Answer these questions to find out. Will you be the one I’m with for the next year, maybe longer? (Yes, if you’re in a serious relationship.) I’d like to take you out this week or Saturday, but I can’t commit. (If you aren’t in a relationship or aren’t planning on one) How far along are you? Have you ever been married? (Married means not “engaged.”) Have you ever been in love before? Are you looking for love? Have you ever been on a date before? Is there a significant other you’d like me to meet? (Maybe they’re looking for a date.) Do you think you could meet my parents? Do you own a dog? Do you already have children? Are you currently in school? Is there anything else you’d like to share? So how should you ask? You can ask any of these things, but make sure they’re not too revealing—just ask enough to get a little insight into them, says Kelly. The key is to ask in a way that makes them feel good. “What you’re asking for is a sense of identity, the small bit you know of someone’s life and personality that you can latch on to—without encroaching on their personal space.” If the person says, “No, I don’t have time,” then you

