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1st Studio Siberian Mouse Hd Forum

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1ststudio siberian mouses forumAccording to published reports, the Labor Department issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on May 11th 2013. The proposed rule identifies specific Internet retailers, including Amazon.com, Inc. and Groupon Inc., for investigation. In its 2011 study, the Commission found that Amazon has improper search and price maintenance practices, and has restrained and suppressed price competition among other online retailers. In the NPRM the Commission explains that it began investigating Amazon in 2011 under the authority granted by section 2(a)(1) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act). Section 2(a)(1) authorizes the Commission to prohibit “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.” Under section 13(b) of the FTC Act, if after an appropriate investigation the Commission concludes that a practice is unlawful, it “shall issue a complaint to the United States district court for the judicial district in which the respondent has its principal place of business, or, if the respondent is not a corporation, for the judicial district in which its principal place of business is located.” The proposed rule also proposed some changes to the way the Commission enforces section 5 of the FTC Act. Under the proposed rule, if the Commission finds that an act or practice is not unfair or deceptive, that act or practice is not unlawful. This is consistent with existing law and a longstanding Commission policy not to prosecute unfair or deceptive acts or practices absent a finding of actual injury to consumers. The proposed rule would also apply to certain relationships between companies covered by the rule, as well as companies whose products are sold by means of e-commerce platforms. The Commission has posted information on the Commission’s web site about the proposed rule. The Commission’s proposed rule would require these Internet retailers to comply with federal antitrust law, which would include the FTC’s primary responsibility to protect consumers. The FTC has authority to investigate and prevent antitrust law violations by anyone, including Internet retailers. Comments are due 30 days from the date of publication of the NPRM. To file comments, send an e-mail to fcblog [at] ftc [dot] gov with the phrase “Comments on Amazon.com, Inc.” in the subject line. The commission and its law enforcement colleagues at the Department of Justice announced a series of antitrust enforcement actions against the companies Amazon, Metro PCS and 6d1f23a050


