AutoCAD License Key Latest

Commonly known as CAD, the AutoCAD Activation Code software suite was originally designed to assist in the design and drafting of architectural work, such as buildings, bridges, ships, aircraft, and machinery. With the introduction of architectural editing capabilities in 1991, the software suite was used in a broader context for both architectural and mechanical drafting and design.

The primary user interface for AutoCAD is a computer monitor. It is also available as a tablet or mobile app. The current version is AutoCAD 2017 for PC/Mac and AutoCAD LT 2017 for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. A separate software package that is referred to as AutoCAD LT stands for 2D Drafting or 2D Design. This is the licensed version of AutoCAD which is specifically designed for mechanical drafting, design, and fabrication.

The original AutoCAD did not include mechanical engineering tools, but that changed in 1994 with the introduction of AutoCAD Mechanical. This version of the software offers simulation tools for architectural and mechanical design. The mechanical elements include the ability to quickly perform interactive simulations of mechanical systems.

AutoCAD Architecture is a complementary program for architectural design. It includes several tools such as scheduling, floor plans, and 3D modeling. The design process is enhanced with integrated project collaboration, remote access, and online resources. The latest version of AutoCAD Architecture is AutoCAD Civil 3D.

AutoCAD Architectural Design is a complete and integrated set of design tools for architectural design, construction scheduling, construction document management, and site development. It is also available as a mobile app. Architectural 3D modeling is integrated with AutoCAD Civil 3D. The design process is enhanced with integrated project collaboration, remote access, and online resources. Architectural components include a wall planner, 3D modeling, MEP analysis, and site development.

AutoCAD Architectural is a complementary program for architectural design and construction. It is a complete set of design tools for architectural design, construction scheduling, construction document management, and site development. The design process is enhanced with integrated project collaboration, remote access, and online resources. AutoCAD Architectural design is a complete and integrated set of design tools for architectural design, construction scheduling, construction document management, and site development. Architectural components include a wall planner, 3D modeling, MEP analysis, and site development. AutoCAD Architectural is available as a mobile app.

AutoCAD Crack+ With License Code [2022]

Programming AutoCAD applications and scripts
Autodesk also offers a programming language, AutoLISP, which is an interpreted scripting language to automate AutoCAD tasks. Visual LISP, a visual scripting language, is another, similar language, which is also provided to automate AutoCAD tasks.


AutoLISP is the scripting language that is native to AutoCAD. The language is used to script AutoCAD commands and scripts. It has its own functions and commands as well as the ability to integrate into VBA.

Visual LISP
Visual LISP (Visual AutoLISP) is a visual scripting language, which is an extension of AutoLISP. Like AutoLISP, Visual LISP is based on objects.

AutoCAD supports the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), an add-in programming language from Microsoft. VBA allows users to automate AutoCAD tasks.

Exchange Applications
There are a number of AutoCAD-based applications available on the Exchange Apps site. AutoCAD Architecture is an application used for architectural design, AutoCAD Electrical is an application for electrical design, AutoCAD Electrical and Civil 3D are applications used for civil engineering design, and AutoCAD Structural is a tool used for structural engineering.


AutoCAD was created in 1986 by program manager Scott Fink. It was designed as a free alternative to Autodesk Design Review, a similar but proprietary application. The first version of AutoCAD was released in 1987, and was called DWG, the abbreviation of Design Work File. In 1989, the first-ever CAD competition was held at AutoDesk’s headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The design and development of AutoCAD was undertaken by the employees of the company.

AutoCAD LT is an AutoCAD program which is based on the ideas of low-cost or low-end CAD software. LT is short for the word “low-technology”, and it was created to provide AutoCAD users with a low-cost alternative.

AutoCAD LT runs on the Windows operating system.

AutoCAD LT was introduced in 1997. It was the first application to use the Intergraph Graphics DWG format, as well as the first AutoCAD application to support interactivity with external database programs. Since its introduction, AutoCAD LT has


Run this program
Open the COAActivity from the program
Click on the “Open Key” button.
Then choose a country according to your country
Click on “Get Key”.

It will be loaded the key.
Save it somewhere.
Run the program again.
Open the COAActivity from the program.
Click on “Add Key” and add the key.
Click on “Save Key”.

You will see the key list.
Click on “Open Key”.
Click on “Exit”.


.NET get row info

In.NET, how can I get the index of the row where the user clicked the cell?
When the user clicks the cell, how can I know the index of that cell?
I know in Javascript, you can set onClick=”alert(this.index)” to the cell, but how to do this in.NET?


You can add an event handler to the DataGridView.CellClicked event like this:
private void dataGridView1_CellClicked(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)


You can do this:
dataGridView1.CellClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(dataGridView1_CellClick);


private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(“You clicked on row ” + e.RowIndex);


when i try to get data from database my php page could not be open. but i can see that my database is open and working properly

Here is my code

What’s New in the?


With the 2020 release of AutoCAD and Office 360, Microsoft added a tab to the Ribbon for drawing workspace. This new tab, called “Layout,” lets you configure the workspace for drawing and drafting functions. Add, remove and rearrange Workspace tabs as you wish. Select a preferred workspace layout for your drawing (with more than 10 tabs).

Improved Pipe Organ:

Three pipe organ simulations are now available to help you calculate pipe distances, calculate a length of pipe or pipe diameter for your pipes. (video: 5:25 min.)


Tweak and paint with precision. Use the Tweak command to accurately fine-tune a connection or a fill color. Or use the Paint and Airbrush commands to paint with precision and control.


An improved feature for converting a path to a polyline.


Relax and get your most common drawing tasks done fast. Use the most familiar commands for taking, copying, drawing, erasing, undoing, updating, searching and deleting.


See and explore new shapes with the new Simulate feature. Change a shape’s appearance by dragging through parameter values.

Catch Keywords

Automatically recognize words and phrases in your text. Copy, cut, past, and paste your text with a single click.


Save and apply color themes. Select from predefined color themes to quickly change the colors in your drawing. Choose from more than 600 themes.


Generate a list of your drawings, and combine them into a single file. Or save a merged set of drawings with a single click.


Convert an object to a jpeg or png format. Quickly convert a shape, point, line, polyline, image or path to any image format.


Measure, edit and create 3D planes for dimensioning, linear, surface and volume calculations, surface and volume rendering, and many more.


Drag to warp a path or any object to a second path. Use the Warp feature to make non-straightening changes in your drawing.

Geometry Generator

Generate geometry from 2D shapes, linework or multiline patterns.


System Requirements:

4th Edition:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
Processor: 3.0 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Windows XP with DirectX 9.0
DirectX 9.0
OS: Windows 8.1
Processor: Intel Core i3
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Windows 7 with DirectX 10
About the game:
Join Orion for a long-overdue journey across the Outer Rim, where he must journey through the

