This post originally appeared as an Ask a Pro column in the December 2014 issue of Men’s Health. The first question most guys dread is, “What’s the best way to pick up women?” The answer is simple, and there are a bunch of ways to do it, but all of them have one thing in common: They take time. If you’re in school, get out of it and go to the bar. If you’re at work, go to the restroom, find a secluded spot, and get a couple drinks in you. If you’re at home, invite a friend with you and make it a party. Pickup comes down to getting out of your comfort zone and being intentionally a little bit of a douche. But being a douche is the best way to get laid (though douchey guys usually get all the ugly chicks, so it’s not entirely a win-win). But what’s the fastest way to get out of your comfort zone? There is no fastest way to get out of your comfort zone, as comfort zones are either overrated or, to quote the U.S. Army, “Dead Center of the Fucking Universe”—but for the sake of argument, we’ll talk about a few ways to get out of your comfort zone. The Basics A couple years ago, I dated a guy who was very good-looking. He had won a title in a martial arts tournament and would do all sorts of cool shit in the bedroom. He was like a bad Kimbo Slice—and I mean that in a good way. He was confident, he was well-dressed, he was a man of his word, and he smelled good. He always dressed well, and he knew what worked and what didn’t. He was an amazing combination of pragmatism and good taste. But because he was so good-looking, he always got laid, and a lot of the time, he’d find the hottest chicks around for me to schmooze and pick up. He actually taught me a great pickup line or two, and although it was all bullshit, it all works. The best way to pick up a girl is to look like you’re miserable about being single. You don’t need an excuse—and you shouldn’t be one. Just be up, get out of your bed, and get to work. Your best friends should help, as they’ve likely been to a hundred or so bars. Your
Modern dating isn’t just about dating apps, it’s about being able to enjoy the dating process in an efficient manner and still get what you want (read: are open to the possibility of finding love). You may not be as eager to have a close-knit group of friends, but you should be even more willing to at least reach out to new people and hopefully get some sparkling reactions. If you just want to play the field, meet new people, and see where things lead, use these tips to make sure that you take care of yourself and still enjoy dating today. Hooking Up is a Thing, and It’s Good for You Efficient dating is about efficient hook-up selection, and it’s about nothing more than just going out and meeting people until you find the right match. Don’t get hung up on finding the perfect match—and don’t play the game for too long. Instead, pick someone that catches your eye, and take this opportunity to decide if you want to see this person again. And if not, move on to the next one. It’s easy to forget that relationships are meant to be fun, and it’s okay to have some other fun activities in between dates. Modern dating means that you have a little more flexibility as far as time. After all, isn’t the goal to meet people and explore your social options, or? Be Yourself and Be Cool You’re bound to meet some creeps along the way—probably more than you’d like. If you’re truly just looking for a good time, then you need to treat yourself like you’re looking for that other good time. Be yourself, don’t fudge on your good-time credentials, and keep in mind that most creeps are a little desperate and will give themselves away before you even pick up the first date. If someone starts to creep you out, ditch them and get back to a normal mindset. You don’t have to be cool; being yourself is better. Be Ready to Say Yes Even if you’re not on a date, make sure you’re saying yes to every opportunity that comes along. Dating apps are helpful, but they are only a small part of the dating process. Even if you just want to be out with a group of people you know, it’s still best to put yourself out there in order to meet new people. If you’re truly ready to start a relationship, take it to the next level. Don’t Dress Like a Sl★-no-tricks/

