A high school boy who is obsessed with talking to the undead, pursuing his dream of opening an extermination facility in the ruins of Japan. His name is Kaziklu Bey. You can find him wherever blood is spilled. For what purpose? His aim is to put an end to the suffering that comes from the vampiric blood. A talented tailor who served as his father, and just one day before the day he declared his love for Wilhelm, the passing of their mother took place. His name was Nuriko Makimura. The drunken, beaten, lovelorn, and intoxicated vampire. He was known as Wilhelm’s favorite. This is a tale about the dark past of a man named Wilhelm Ehrenburg. A fallen vampire, and a thread of fate. A devil who appears as a messenger of the underworld. He would not allow him to escape destiny. Let’s go back to the summer of 1948… Ended 2038 A tale about killing a vampire… Mt. “Kittenz” ~Miracle~: The abandoned cemetery of the country of Seickelen. The walls of the tombstone are the barrier for a hundred years of someone’s dream. A place of eternal memories. And in this place, someone’s story is entombed… Ended 2038 Ended 2050 Story about a devil… The town of Gunthershauen… The home of witches, and the site of the blood revels… Ended 2038 Ended 2040 Ended 2070 One of the most twisted cases ever… Whose face the despair of a hundred years never allowed to fade… His name is Kretschmer. The castle of the inner demon… The lair of the demon… Ended 2050 Ended 2063 Ended 2070 Ended 2073 Ended 2075 Ended 2074 Ended 2067 The true face of a fallen man… The fury of a hero… The reality of a nightmare… A site of blood… Ended 2045 Ended 2050 Ended 2058 Ended 2062 Ended 2072 Ended 2063 Ended 2068 Ended 2071 Ended 2069 Ended 2069 Ended 2068 Ended 2065 Ended 2067 Ended 2061


Features Key:

  • View dark fairy tales in an all new nightmarish setting. The interactive setting system has been reimagined.
  • New survival skills both for the mortals and fairies in the game. Magic skills add variety to the gameplay and make the rivals more menacing.
  • Many quests added to the game, new special effects, elements of difficulty and game difficulty management.
  • The introduction of interdimensional portals, which will give the possibility to discover hidden areas and new routes.

Become part of the action in this cursed realm. Complete various quests. Fight different opponents. Battle enemies and quickly solve the challenges of survival. Investigate the secrets of the passing of time. To save the world, you need to solve the mystery of the Red Witch.


  • View dark fairy tales in an all new nightmarish setting. The interactive setting system has been reimagined.
  • New survival skills both for the mortals and fairies in the game. Magic skills add variety to the gameplay and make the rivals more menacing.
  • Many quests added to the game, new special effects, elements of difficulty and game difficulty management.
  • The introduction of interdimensional portals, which will give the possibility to discover hidden areas and new routes.

Become part of the action in this cursed realm. Complete various quests. Fight different opponents. Battle enemies and quickly solve the challenges of survival. Investigate the secrets of the passing of time. To save the world, you need to solve the mystery of the Red Witch.

  • View dark fairy tales in an all new nightmarish setting. The interactive setting system has been reimagined.
  • New survival skills both for the mortals and fairies in the game. Magic skills add variety to the gameplay and make the rivals more menacing.
  • Many quests added to the game, new special effects, elements of difficulty and game difficulty management.
  • The introduction of interdimensional portals, which will give the possibility to discover hidden areas and new routes.


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A survival game in the vein of the likes of Fallout 3 or The Long Dark. Set in a mysterious deserted world. Being a survivor is not as easy as it sounds. Dead Age 2 is the first sequel to the award winning, role-playing zombie survival game Dead Age. An eclectic mix of zombie survival, adventure and sandbox elements was just what we needed to make this sequel a true continuation of the original. By building upon the stunning visuals and gameplay of the original game, we were able to finally present the sequel we had always envisioned, and for which we had been striving for over a year. With Dead Age 2 we have added a lot of new features, enemy AI improvements, gameplay ideas and more. Furthermore we have extended the game with a huge world that is bigger than the one in Dead Age. Join the underground militia, the self-proclaimed Inbetweens, and they will help you on your way to creating a new life. After days of walking around the deserted town, the dangerous floods of a nearby river and even being hunted by some cruel mutants – Seshth survived. Now he must help the new recruits and embark on a journey through the many dangers and horrors in this world. The open ended nature of Dead Age 2 offers you plenty of possibility to create your own custom goals and campaign. The game also features a variety of skill trees that will allow you to improve your Dead Age 2 skill tree by gaining experience and discovering new skills and bonuses. There are two player settings for this game. Play as a survivor or a mad dog. Experience the Storybook, Hated Ones and Side Quests and enjoy the game in many different ways. Survive, stay alive and become one of the Dead Age 2 legends. Dead Age 2 can be played in a variety of different ways: Campaign Mode -Follow the storyline in-game or explore the world for other possibilities. Storybook -Explore the maps on your own or with the help of the sidequests. You may need to choose or accept quests to progress through the story. Sandbox Mode -Play the game how you like or create your own campaign. The game offers endless possibilities to vary your gameplay, your experience and to create your own campaign. Features: Survival Co-op – Play this game with your friends, conquer the world together, or conquer it alone Syndicate Cartel c9d1549cdd


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Throw the ball of biscuit to the enemies. If enemies are completely covered in biscuit then it can transform to a ball of biscuit. The player must throw a ball of biscuit to each enemy until it is completely covered and turns into a ball of biscuit. Throwing a ball of biscuit to an enemy that is not completely covered in biscuit will result in an error. A partially covered enemy cannot move until it is completely covered in biscuit. Special power: When the player throw a biscuit ball to an enemy, you will see that enemy “Shake”. It is a special power where enemy will shake violently for 5 seconds and it will bring you lot of bonuses. So in order to be safe while playing, you can hold the down arrow button to lock the special power. Some enemies on different floors may have different power. Enemies on the roof will have a jump power when the player jump on top of it. Enemies on top of the building will have a fly power when the player jump on it. Enemies in the basement will have an invincibility power when the player throw a ball of biscuit to it. Enemies with special power should be destroyed as soon as you get it. There are two game modes:Player Vs Player In player vs player mode, one can choose the character first, and the other has to play with the chosen character. Single Player In single player mode, you can play with just one character on one level. Play with Online Multiplayer (Cross Platform) Biscuitts is cross platform, you can play in both mode of Biscuitts with your friend’s device on the same network (with Internet) or you can play with your friend’s device who is on the different network. Biscuitts can be a game for both PC and Phone. More features and content will be added to this game over time. Current Development State 0.12.1 Hotfix ReleaseMajor bug fix, Optimized the game performance and it is now much smoother and quicker.Download 0.12.1 beta releaseBig Update! More platforms are coming to the table! Beta release of: (Windows Android) What’s New in 0.12.1? Windows Update


What’s new in The Phantom Keeper: