The myth that good sex makes you happy in general, and that casual sex is a free “kick in the pants” fixer-upper that will make your life happier?. A 2019 survey by the Kinsey Institute found that most people believe that is the case, even if it’s not. 2. It’s Something for You. We’re socialized to think that sex is something that only happens to other people. Binge-watching clips of it in porn or on sites like Pornhub? We accept that as normal. At the same time, we’re also encouraged to believe that any kind of sex we can’t name as “casual” is necessarily, well, bad. That type of sex is a fundamentally different. What’s awesome about having a flexible relationship with sex, is that it lets you decide to bring more intimacy into your life and find happiness. Want to make a new relationship more special? Have sex on your anniversary, for example. Or, if you’re looking for a one-night hookup, aim for a random sex position in a public bathroom. Why? One, it’s fun, and two, it’s kinky and edgy! In a casual relationship, you’re still meeting someone new, and for some, that’s exciting. You’re with someone who you are willing to sleep with, but you also have more freedom when it comes to choosing where, what, and who. However, you need to be aware that it can still be a gamble. A casual one-night stand can still have a lot of elements attached to it, like expectations, stigma, and, of course, a sexual encounter without emotional connection. That’s not to say that casual sex is dangerous, it’s just that, all over the web, there’s a lot of “I’m a slut, so why can’t you love me?” rhetoric. 3. It’s Something for You. Not everyone wants to have a constant sexual partner. For some, casual sex is just a really, really good way to build emotional and physical intimacy with someone you care about, or with someone you’re considering dating. As comedian Paula Poundstone told Cosmopolitan: “If you want to have good sex, you have to find someone who wants to have good sex.” You also need to feel like you can be yourself with them, which is something that’s easier to do when you’re not having sex all the time. In most cases, casual sex comes with expectations that involve your

The formula for a successful casual sex date includes knowing what you’re getting into, and understanding that casual sex is not a long-term alternative to a committed relationship. If that becomes a problem, you might be looking for something more. Making Casual Sex Part of a Long-Term Relationship: Make It Sexy A casual affair with sex and no commitment is not a bad thing. But if you want a serious relationship in the long term, you need to make your casual sex more serious — like making your casual sex part of a long-term relationship. When you know someone is casual, use it to your advantage. That means a committed relationship should, at some point, materialize from the casual friendship. Tip number one is a key component: Have regular sex. Studies show that most people in a committed relationship are not sexually active at all — even though, psychologically, we feel more sexual with our partners. Be honest and open about who you are. Don’t hide your past lives or hidden insecurities. Tell your partner the whole story of who you are: what you’re into, your fears, hopes, flaws, and passions — maybe even your past sexual experiences, while understanding that he or she may not always want to hear it. Have casual sex without having a serious relationship, but make that casual sex part of your love life, not your just sex life. Please include attribution to with this graphic. ]]> Are A Few Good Reasons To NOT Be Disrespectful 17 Dec 2018 17:06:34 +0000 There Are A Few Good Reasons To NOT Be Disrespectful When you’re not a hugger, but you want to be a kind person, you don’t just embrace a person, but you actively stick your arm under the bottom person’s arm and hug them. After kissing

