1. No strings attached sex is bad for women because they might feel used and unfulfilled. Studies have found that sex that’s not tied up in any way — the age of consent, a relationship, etc. — might not result in high satisfaction because women feel they can have sex with just anyone because there are no consequences. Some women, then, might not even have sex when they want to, and that can be detrimental to mental health. 2. Sex with no moral duty is bad for women because they might feel they can sleep with whoever. Emotional and physical abuse is linked to casual hookups, and you don’t want to be part of a cycle like that. 3. Casual sex is bad for men because they’ll more than likely have a hard time getting laid. Women are often more adventurous and will be more willing to be vulnerable and open, which will set them apart and entice a man to want more. This makes casual sex the more attractive option for men. 4. Hookups are bad for society because men make bad decisions based on superficial attraction. This is why Tinder and other apps exist. It isn’t shocking or terrible, but it is a problem. RELATED: Women are more sexually confident than ever, but they still lack an orgasm. Here’s what it’s like to go from almost reaching it to just not reaching it at all. How to be real about your dating goals Everyone wants to have better sex, but deciding what those goals are can be confusing. “We all think we’re conscious of our long-term desires and goals, and believe that we know what we really want for ourselves, but the reality is that that’s usually a mishmash of all the things that have influenced us as we’ve become who we are today,” says Sex and Love Addict author Susie Bright. “There are a lot of people out there who are not really sure what they want out of sexual activities and relationships,” says Dossani. “So that’s a good first step to take.” How to get more out of hookups. 1. Keep things casual. When approaching a hookup, you should put yourself in a state of mind to not expect anything or have any rules. Your agenda is only to try something new, so focus on yourself and what you’re interested in instead of worrying about the relationship prospects. (This is the same advice from traveling: You’re not trying to make friends, you’re just hitting the roads.) 2. Get
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BDSM is a subset of kink, which is a broad term that describes a variety of sexual acts, types, and practices. BDSM itself is the desire to exceed one’s limits through fantasy. By sharing fantasies with someone, you build a connection in the physical and emotional realms. If something isn’t working out, you can explore where things can go — sometimes in the bedroom and sometimes not. It’s about as taboo as an affair, but without the emotional fallout, as well as all the risks of pregnancy and STIs. “You both take [a] chance,” says Sex And Psychology, “when you mix sex with one, two, or more people.” Masturbation during menstruation may make you a fitter and more energetic adult. It not only clears out your vagina, but also helps to build up self-confidence and improve the functioning of the immune system, reducing the chances of some illnesses, such as UTIs. The night before a holiday — literally — skipping the cuddle session is the best thing you can do. Sure, you could skip sex on your wedding night, but it’s not really the same, is it? Even if it is, we’re not advising you to. According to one study, couples were more satisfied with their relationship on their first wedding night than any subsequent night. This is just a way of saying “I’m reaching out to you to get to know you, because I am a nice person with a good heart.” You don’t want to feel like a booty call, or someone who is only seeking “the fuck of a lifetime” and that comes with health repercussions. The one danger with hooking up and a side of kink is that there is no actual commitment, just lust. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing, either. If someone is into kink, it’s probably because it turned them on and helped them grow as a person. Hookup apps, being popular, have been made to look all cute and it seems as though they are built with emotions being everyone’s (or at least women’s) goal. While it might be funny to make a profile of a drag queen on one of these apps, it could be something far more serious, like a profile of a woman who is looking to have sex for the first time and has never had any. But you should still make sure that the person knows that you want a casual sex relationship. The more upfront you are


