The Dwarfs are making weapons for the war against the Orcs! The Gnomes are making Gads and the Tigers are chomping down on the dwarves, so it’s time for the Gunsmiths to answer with a volley of Boomsticks and Thunderguns! You’ve got some 30 guns already, but you need more. You heard some of your Dwarfs say that the Tigers are using Thunderguns, and that they are stronger than your Boomsticks. You need better weapons and you need them now. So you come to the Gunsmiths. They get down on their knees and bow to you. They melt to the ground and fall before you. They offer you anything you want. They prepare the tools of their trade and they get ready to get to work. These glorious Dwarfs of Bombasto are making your weapons, and they are making them quickly. These Dwarfs are not spending hours or days on any one piece, they are crafting them with precision and care. Every weapon that they make is beautiful, and every piece of metal they use is cast to perfection. They have some surprises for you, though. You have seen their earlier models and all of their earlier creations. Some of these Dwarfs are veterans at the craft. They’ve had many tools and many projects of different types and sizes over the years, and they’ve got some tricks up their sleeves. So now they have some new ideas. They’re not done making weapons yet, so they are still making Boomsticks and Thunderguns. But some of them want to make some other new weapons. Things that no one has seen yet. You’re the Gunsmiths, so you are here to get all the weapons you want, and whatever others you can find for your Gunsmiths! So, look around, and go exploring. There’s some other oddities here besides guns, too. It’s time to get gunslinging! Use this product if you are on: Fantasy Grounds for Windows & Linux PowerMock for Windows Fantasy Grounds for Mac Fantasy Grounds for iPad Fantasy Grounds for Android Fantasy Grounds for Windows Mobile Fantasy Grounds for Windows Phone Script-Fu by Kevin Doswell Want to check out a demo? Visit me at: [Website] Steam:


Features Key:

  • Classic fantasy battles. Only the walls are made of glass.
  • Make your own maps easily.
    Create your own battles. The map is designed for small battles and it’s a perfect tool for beginners.
  • Play online or create your own online multiplayer mode.
    Online, so you’re free to make friends.

Game System

  • Turn-based game. You don’t have to wait for the others to fight.
  • A lot of strategic possibilities. Choose carefully your troops and your location.
  • When all opponents fall, you win. Under your rules, of course.
  • There’s map, character and game interaction customization. You can totally personalize your own tabletop.


Fantasy Grounds – Boomsticks’n’Thunderguns! Download

The Gunslinger packs are a collection of gun power fanatics, gunslingers, and adventurers that are well suited for any setting and any ruleset. Each pack includes a number of pregens with a variety of weapons and armor at their disposal. All of the pack’s pregens include two guns and a power feature for immediate use in a variety of situations. First off the pack includes a crossbow, a repeating crossbow, and a tinderbox crossbow. The crossbow pregens are of the classical style and work just fine for almost any fantasy setting. The repeating crossbow uses the same icon as the Archer pregens and can be used to great effect with bows, though it relies on consistency of hit value. The pregens for the tinderbox crossbow are specially optimized for the Fantasy Grounds game engine, and can be used as a makeshift good-old fashioned flintlock pistol. With the use of a Hex and a bit of special iconography, you can use the Flaming Flintlock to establish a surprise attack from a distance, and even turn the tinderbox into an improvised flintlock rifle if you use a Hex on the icon and can arrange your attack as an AoO. The next pack in the Gunslinger pack pack is a pack of gunslingers. These full pregens fit nicely into almost any fantasy game setting, and are best used with a set of weapons and armor that best complements their personality. For an assassin and their gear, the pack includes a double rapier, a pair of pistols, and a pair of swords. The double rapier pregens work well with any character that has the rapier attack and uses the high attack at level 1, and even work with a full set of standard equipment. These would work as an excellent source of sneaky or forceful attack, and a useful weapon for any character that is interested in a sneaky turn. The pistols are a pair of bubblegum pistols, and are able to be enhanced by a few hundred quality, which can be added by the player, allowing the weapon to become superior to a standard bubblegum pistol. While in most games the bubblegum pistols may seem like a poor choice, the bubblegum pistols are in fact better at range than melee, and can be used to great advantage in a ranged battle. And finally we have the last pack, the pack of Gunzerkers. These humanoid pregens are more suited to a fantasy game d41b202975


Fantasy Grounds – Boomsticks’n’Thunderguns! With Key Free [32|64bit] (Latest)

• Includes all characteristics of the gunslinger class, and the gunpowder weapon effects for that class. • Can use the human, dwarf and elf weapons for the gunslinger class. • Can use the weapons, grenades and guns for the gunslinger class for any Player Race in the Fantasy Grounds Game. • Includes the gunslinger templates for the gunslinger weapon specialization (if the Player Race has that). • Can use the additional gunpowder weapons for any Player Race in the Fantasy Grounds Game. • Both vanilla and modern weapons can be used. • The gunslinger weapons were designed by the Dice Depository, so they look really good. • I have kept the gunpowder weapons effects the same as in the original game, so everyone can use the guns from the original Boomsticks and Thunderguns game. • Compatible with the vanilla version of Fantasy Grounds. Fantasy Grounds Character Creation • The gunpowder weapons can be made for any race in the Fantasy Grounds Game. • Make sure your player race has the Gunpowder Weapons Characteristics. • Make sure the Player Race has the gunslinger weapon specialization. Fantasy Grounds UI • The UI can be made for the different weapons or just for guns. • Make sure you have the gunpowder weapons for that character race. • If you want the UI for the specific weapons, you have to make them by hand. • Use the basic UI for the vanilla version of Fantasy Grounds. • The UI looks different from the original game (i.e. the UI for the musket and cannon look much better in Boomsticks’n’Thunderguns), so you can use the old UI with the different weapons. • You can change the UI of the cannon with the gunpowder weapon effects. • You can replace the vanilla UI with the new UI as well. System Requirements: • An active subscription to Fantasy Grounds or a one time purchase of a full or ultimate license. • Requires the vanilla version of Fantasy Grounds Classic. • This item is compatible with the Unity or Classic version of Fantasy Grounds. • This item is compatible with any version of the Fantasy Grounds Ruleset. • This product will run on Mac OS X and Windows. NOTE This product includes all characteristics of the gunslinger class, and the gunpowder weapons effects for that class. It will include the gunslinger templates for the gunslinger weapon specialization (if the Player Race has that), plus the extra gunpowder weapons


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