Gucci is a luxury fashion house that is known around the world for its style and designs. The House of Gucci got its start in Florence, Italy in the early 1900’s and has become one of the most recognizable brand names in todays competitive luxury brand market. The Gucci brand is the second most recognizable brand in the world after LVMH. The company operates about 425 stores throughout the world and also has its designs in many of the high end department stores around the world.
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The Gucci company had gone through some tough times and in the 1970’s the company almost went bankrupt. But the company survived and they have built an empire that last year did over $7 billion worldwide. The company has a iconic image because of several famous people who used there products such as Jacqueline Onassis, Grace Kelly, and Audrey Hepburn. They helped make the company a known luxury brand. In the 1980’s the brand also suffered from the flood of cheap knockoff fakes that were being made in China. By the late 80’s the company had a great turnaround and they were very profitable.
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Two areas were Gucci has made a big impact is in Watches were they acquired a watch licensee and they also have made a big impact in Fragrances. In 1998 the company was named, “European Company of the year” for its financial and economic impact in the european market.
Gucci is usually associated with pop culture from the 70’s Sister Sledge to todays rap star who frequently mention Gucci in there lyrics.