Malaysian Movie Downloads. The site has a good mix of content, and it will give you direct download links for multiple torrent files. The site will also provide you with the torrent file links, which may have been sent to you by several people.

Once you do that, just visit to get started. Theres really no need to use the official WebTorrent download page anymore. If you have trouble finding the download, you can search the torrent on their site by typing download torrent into the search bar.

For best results, its best to use a download manager like IDM, uGet or DownThemAll. Its also a good idea to use a web browser with download manager built-in like Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer.

Torrents are best used for game torrents and similar resources. You download a torrent from a website like PirateBay, and whenever you open a torrent youre given the option to share it with others. You can share this torrent with others, which is useful for the uploader if they’re having trouble uploading, or for the person who is downloading it. Be wary of files that claim to be games that are actually something else (Example: Mystery Picture). Never download anything you know nothing about. Follow links to your destination, and only click on links from trusted and well-known websites. It’s generally safe to click on “Links” in your torrents list and then click on the first link, and it will automatically take you to the “right place”.

We’ve compiled our list of the Top 10 Torrent Sites below. I hope this article answers all your questions.


