MRIConvert is a software tool that was developed specifically to help individuals transform one or multiple DICOM files to other extensions, while also choosing the data that should be transferred.
Portability perks
Surprisingly enough, this utility is portable and thus, the installation process becomes obsolete. You can copy the program files to any location on the hard drive and run it by simply clicking the EXE. Moreover, it is possible to use it on any machine you can get your hands on, by simply placing the last mentioned documents to an external data device.
Another noteworthy aspect is that the MRIConvert is not going to add new files or other items to the hard drive or Windows registry without your permission, and upon its removal, no leftovers will remain.
Extensions supported, transferrable data and other options
The interface is quite clear-cut and enables you to upload one or more DCMs, as well as entire directories with the help of a file browser or the “drag and drop” function. All of these can then be transformed to FSL NIfTI, SPM Analyze, MetaImage and BrainVoyager volume formats.
Aside from that, you can also choose which type of data to keep in the resulted files, such as patient name and ID, series date, study ID, protocol name and series description. Each series can be saved in a separate directory, multivolume series can be saved as 4D files and you can apply a rescale slope and intercept to data.
To wrap it all up, MRI Convert proves to be a pretty efficient piece of software, through a simple-to-handle environment, a sufficient amount of options to keep you busy for a while and a minimal usage of CPU and memory, regardless of the process it is performing.


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MRIConvert Crack+ Incl Product Key (Latest)

MRIConvert Cracked Version (formerly known as “DICOM to NIfTI Converter”) converts DICOM series to NIfTI.

Software Features:

edit DICOM files
transfer NIfTI files
edit MR Files.
edit PDM Files.
read MRI series (T1-weighted, T2-weighted, saggittal and coronal views)
edit Gadolinium-DTPA MRI series:
edit the series of DICOM images.
transfer the series to MetaImage, Analyze and BrainVoyager.
edit HDF5 files
transfer FSL NIfTI files
edit SPM Analyze files
edit PET files
edit MRI series:
edit the series of DICOM images.
transfer the series to MetaImage, Analyze, BrainVoyager.
edit DICOM images
edit PET images
edit CT images
edit GIF images
edit JPEG images
edit PNG images
save edit files.
read DICOM images series
read DICOM images series
read DICOM images
edit DICOM images series
transfer to ANALYZE
edit DICOM images series
read DICOM images series
read DICOM images
edit DICOM images series
edit PET images series
read DICOM images series
read MRI images series
read DICOM images
edit DICOM images series
edit PET images series
edit PET images series
edit MRI images series
read MRI images series
edit MRI images series
read MRI images series
edit MRI images series
edit PET images series
edit MRI images series
edit MRI images series
edit MRI images series
edit MRI images series
read MRI images series
edit MRI images series
edit MRI images series
read MRI images series
read MRI images series
read MRI images
save edit files
read MRI images series
edit MRI images series
edit MRI images series
edit DICOM images series
read DICOM images series
read DICOM images series
read MRI images series
save as ANALYZE
transfer to ANALYZE/SVD/


Category:Cheat Codes

3D + Perspective transformations for 3D camera + 2D markers in OpenGL ES 2.0

I have been trying to do the following in an OpenGL ES 2.0 app:

Create a 3D camera with a constant FOV.
Set the FOV such that any 2D object occupying the full screen will be
cut off at the back.
In the scene, have a number of 2D objects that will appear to sit on
the screen – but be rendered using 2D coordinates (ie. from the
perspective of the camera).

What I’ve tried so far:

Setting the camera’s viewUp property to (0, 0, 1), and the camera’s eye to (0, 0, 1). This works for a 2D perspective view, but the resulting camera is completely obstructed at the back.
Setting the camera’s lookAt property to (0, 0, 0), and the camera’s eye to (0, 0, 1). This works for a 2D orthographic view, but the resulting camera is completely unobstructed.
Setting the camera’s lookAt and eye to (0, 0, 0), and the camera’s up to (0, 1, 0). This appears to work, but the resulting camera seems to be askew relative to the true world.

I have tried the 3D perspective camera with a 2D model, and have gotten the images that I am expecting from this. I tried putting in the depth testing logic to move the planes that should be closer to the camera to the back, but I still ended up with a camera that was obstructed.
I’m struggling to find any resources that are really focused on this problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Thanks to the help of – I have got this working. Essentially, you have to understand that there are two kinds of transformation:

Rendering / Image / Graphics.
Viewing / Camera / Perspective / Frustum / Segment /…

These are completely separate operations. In essence, the 2D camera is managing the drawing of a 3D scene, but the perspective operation that records the

MRIConvert Crack + With License Code

• Convert one or multiple DICOM files to one of the extensions of your choice.
• Choose which data should be transferred to your computer.
• Choose the format of your MRI data.
• Convert only the selected data in your DICOM images.
• Optionally save your patient data in a separate directory.
• Optionally choose whether to save reference images in a separate directory.
• Optionally save a batch of DICOM images to a directory.
• Transfer your DICOM files to the desired location on your computer.
• Read the PDF documentation to perform a more in-depth analysis.
• Read the help file to learn how to use this program.
• Open and edit multiple DICOM files simultaneously in batch.
• Export/Import your data to and from the PDM2000 DICOM Viewer.
• Select a directory to save your DICOM images.
• Select the format to write your data.
• Write your XML-based PDM2000 file.
• Transfer your file to a third-party image processing system, for example, MetaImage and BrainVoyager.
• Write out a volume that will save the 3D images for each time-point or anatomical section.
• Convert as many series as you want to transfer to NifTI, SPM Analyze, MetaImage and BrainVoyager formats.
• Rescale the data so that it is suitable for use in an image processing software.
• Load images into a third-party image processing software such as Neuroimaging Workbench, Analyze and MIPAV.
• Print out your data to an image file for a standard hardcopy printout.
• Export your data for a third-party vendor.
• Create a FAX file that you can send to any fax machine.
• Create a P-Code-TIFF file which can then be converted to a FAX file.
• Set up an automatic export and/or import of DICOM images from/to the PDM2000 DICOM Viewer.
• Convert as many DICOM images as you want to transfer to a folder.
• Convert as many DICOM images as you want to transfer to a folder

What’s New In MRIConvert?

MRIConvert is a software tool that was developed specifically to help individuals transform one or multiple DICOM files to other extensions, while also choosing the data that should be transferred.
Portability perks
Surprisingly enough, this utility is portable and thus, the installation process becomes obsolete. You can copy the program files to any location on the hard drive and run it by simply clicking the EXE. Moreover, it is possible to use it on any machine you can get your hands on, by simply placing the last mentioned documents to an external data device.
Another noteworthy aspect is that the MRIConvert is not going to add new files or other items to the hard drive or Windows registry without your permission, and upon its removal, no leftovers will remain.
Extensions supported, transferrable data and other options
The interface is quite clear-cut and enables you to upload one or more DCMs, as well as entire directories with the help of a file browser or the “drag and drop” function. All of these can then be transformed to FSL NIfTI, SPM Analyze, MetaImage and BrainVoyager volume formats.
Aside from that, you can also choose which type of data to keep in the resulted files, such as patient name and ID, series date, study ID, protocol name and series description. Each series can be saved in a separate directory, multivolume series can be saved as 4D files and you can apply a rescale slope and intercept to data.
To wrap it all up, MRI Convert proves to be a pretty efficient piece of software, through a simple-to-handle environment, a sufficient amount of options to keep you busy for a while and a minimal usage of CPU and memory, regardless of the process it is performing.

MRIConvert License:
Free to download, use and distribute (as long as you do not charge for your tool).

MRIConvert uses a WYSIWYG environment and offers the possibility to make all modifications with the help of the tool, as well as uploading the resulting files to the chosen server.

I’ve not had time to test this software. If you find any errors or have used any of the functions of MRIConvert, feel free to post a review.


ECAT scannative, software for converting non-native DICOM files to their native file format.

System Requirements:

64-bit OS: Windows 7/8
64-bit CPU: Intel Core i5
32-bit OS: Windows Vista
32-bit CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
OS X 10.7.5 – 10.8.4
Intel CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
OS X 10.9 – 10.10.3
OS X 10.11 El Capitan – 10.11.3
Intel CPU: Intel Core i5
Mac Pro (mid 2012

