Oracle Locator Express is a small free utility with which you can switch the default Oracle Home on-the-fly, just like the Oracle Home Selector does. Oracle Locator Express is compatible with Oracle client software from Oracle 7 onwards. It will detect the Oracle 10g client software as well as previous installed versions of the client software. Oracle Locator Express is a useful tool with which you can switch the default Oracle home.







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If you have Oracle Database running under Oracle 10g or earlier, you can get the Oracle Home path by yourself without the need of any software like Oracle Home Selector. In fact, Oracle Locator Express is a small utility which lets you select the Oracle Home path, if one is available. Of course, with the installation of Oracle Locator Express, you can get the Oracle home path by using the predefined queries inside the program. Oracle Locator Express can also help you locate the latest Oracle Database installation folder. If the Oracle Database is installed on an existing Windows Server 2003, you can instantly detect and modify the default Oracle home path. You don’t need to install any additional Oracle home selector software to do this. Download and run Oracle Locator Express. The main window of Oracle Locator Express contains a form. In that form, select the form properties: Here, you can select the properties like “Icon and Text” and “Copy: text to clipboard”, but the window itself is in the same size for all items. To select an item, click on that item. The database engine is added to the current setting after you have selected the database engine. Oracle Locator Express Status Box: Here, you can see the status of the two queries you have selected. These queries are “select * from v$database” and “select * from v$instance”. So for instance if you have selected the “Oracle 12c Standard Edition Database”, the status box shows that the database is already selected. On the other hand, if you have selected the “Oracle 8i Database”, the status box shows that you need to select the database before you run the query. Here you can check the status of the two queries, by checking the results box. Now click on the “Show current query results” checkbox. After you have selected the database and the database engine, click on the “OK” button to run the queries. Once the queries have been run, you can review the results by pressing the “Show All Results” button. Here you can see the entire output. In addition to the results of the queries, you can see the database you have selected. The results can contain the database name, the Oracle home path as well as the Oracle home directory if available. The only thing you

Oracle Locator Express Crack With Serial Key [32|64bit]

Oracle Locator Express (OLX) is a small, easy-to-use utility that will allow you to switch the default Oracle home on-the-fly. While this is fairly easy, Oracle Locator Express can also be used to change the Oracle home in cases where the default home is not desired. Let us say you have installed Oracle 7.3. By default, the Oracle home is set to your Oracle home directory, which normally will be “C:\oracle”. In this case, the Oracle home was created using the Oracle home installer. In a separate utility like this, you can create a new Oracle home and set its default so that if you start a new instance of Oracle, it will use this Oracle home as the default Oracle home. Oracle Locator Express will be available in case you want to start a new instance of the Oracle Client, but you do not want to start with the Oracle home that you created using the Oracle home installer. If you have installed the Oracle 9i client, the SQL*Plus prompt will use this Oracle home instead of the default Oracle home. The Oracle Locator Express allows you to select this Oracle home with a single command. In case you do not want to set it as a default Oracle home, you can use the ora where home option in the Oracle home location from which you want to start the Oracle Client. In the example below we have installed Oracle 10g client in the default Oracle home. We want to start an Oracle 9i client, but we also want the Oracle home to be the default Oracle home for the SQL*Plus prompt. Do note that the default Oracle home does not necessarily have to be the Oracle home you used to install the Oracle client software. We will first start an Oracle client in the default Oracle home and then switch the default Oracle home to the other Oracle home. First we should locate the default Oracle home of the Oracle Client. Start an Oracle Client and navigate to the Oracle home path. The default Oracle home of the Oracle Client is “C:\oracle”. On the Windows platform, the default Oracle home location can be accessed by navigating to the following path. File > Option > Oracle Home Open the Oracle locator express utility and specify the Oracle home that you want to use as default. In the example below, we have specified the directory “C:\oracle\10g\product”. Now we start an Oracle Client. If we want to start an instance using 2f7fe94e24

Oracle Locator Express For Windows [Updated]

Oracle Locator Express is a free small utility that can be used in order to switch the default Oracle Home. You can change the Oracle home from your SID or the Oracle ID. Oracle Locator Express ( Selector Express ( Oracle Home Locator Express ( Selector Express Licensing Oracle Locator Express ( is a free small utility that can be used in order to switch the default Oracle home. You can change the Oracle home from your SID or the Oracle ID. Here is some information about the Oracle Locator Express; If you already have an existing Oracle home directory on the local client system then the Oracle Locator Express will point to the existing Oracle home. You just need to enter a new Oracle Home for the new default Oracle home. If you don’t have an Oracle home, then you need to create an Oracle home directory. Oracle Locator Express Overview; Do you want to know how to use Oracle Locator Express to switch your Oracle home on the fly? Do you want to know how to switch the default Oracle home by using Oracle Locator Express? Do you want to know what the Oracle Locator Express is? If the answer to all these questions is Yes then get started with Oracle Locator Express and the Oracle Home Selector. In this article we are going to learn how to use Oracle Locator Express in a simple and easy way. You are also going to know how to select a default home with Oracle Locator Express. First we need to find the Oracle home and then we need to switch the Oracle Home on the fly with the help of Oracle Locator Express. We are going to use Oracle Locator Express to switch the Oracle Home to Oracle 10g and then we are going to see how to switch the Oracle Home to Oracle 7. Oracle Locator Express Installation; You can use Windows Add or Remove Programs to install Oracle Locator Express. To install Oracle Locator Express on Windows 2000, XP, or Windows 2003, just click on the Oracle Locator Express Install button. If you want to update the existing version of Oracle Locator Express then you need to click on the Oracle Locator Express Upgrade button. In order to install the 32-bit version of Oracle Locator Express click on the Oracle Locator Express Install button

What’s New in the?

To use the Oracle Locator Express tool, you must first install the Oracle Locator Express. Also, the Oracle Locator Express tool is in a different location on the CD-ROM: To install the Oracle Locator Express, use the following commands: UNZIP Location of the Oracle Locator Express: ORACLE_HOME/app/oracle/oracle_home_locator/locator_express_distrib In the text file: Location of the Oracle Locator Express: ORACLE_HOME/app/oracle/oracle_home_locator/locator_express_distrib, open and copy the file: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE/ORACLE_HOME Right-click and choose Paste Create a new REG_SZ entry for the Oracle Locator Express: The key path in the XML document you need to change the default Oracle Home. The key path will be: Location of the Oracle Locator Express: ORACLE_HOME/app/oracle/oracle_home_locator/locator_express_distrib Configure Oracle Locator Express:ORACLE_HOME/app/oracle/oracle_home_locator/locator_express_config_dir Right-click and choose Paste In the text file: ORACLE_HOME/app/oracle/oracle_home_locator/locator_express_config_dir, open and copy the file: ORACLE_HOME/app/oracle/oracle_home_locator/locator_express_config If you are installing a new client version on an existing Oracle 10g database system: Confirm that you are installing a new client version on an existing Oracle 10g database system. Open the Oracle Locator Express Configuration UI. Check the box next to “Configure to use another Oracle Home”. Click Finish to complete the installation. If you want to view the details of the Oracle Homes that are currently installed on the client, use the Oracle Locator Express Wizard. If you want to install a new client version on a server that has an existing Oracle home, use the Oracle Locator Express Wizard to install the Oracle Locator Express for the new client. To uninstall the Oracle Locator Express, use

System Requirements:

OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 RAM: 2 GB 2 GB CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or equivalent Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or equivalent HDD: 3.5 GB 3.5 GB Video: DirectX 9.0c-compliant video card (8, 16, or 32-bit) DirectX 9.0c-compliant video card (8, 16, or 32-bit) Sound:

