PushMonitOff is an interesting and quite handy application that shuts down your monitor, or in the case of using multiple monitors, all of them with a single push of a hotkey. This little tool can help with simulating monitor shutdowns or help one turn off the screen without reaching for the monitor buttons. Let's say you are in bed and have no intention of getting out from under the cozy blanket, but you'd still want to turn off the monitor. That's where PushMonitOff steps in.
No interface, no installation
PushMonitOff was built using AutoHotkey, so it acts more like a script. As a result, there won't be a user interface to work with. To make things even simpler, the tool is portable, meaning that no system data will be written, and you can deploy it on any machine, without installing it.
Use the default hotkey or change it as you see fit
Shutting down the monitor(s) using a simple hotkey has its perks, especially for individuals who wish to give the impression that their computer is turned off, or out of commodity.
Shift + F1 is the combination one can use right from the start, yet it's not fixed in stone. When the app runs, a system tray shortcut will be made available. Right-click that shortcut and look for the Settings entry. From there, you can change the combination however you like.
Make sure your mouse doesn't move
To restore power to your monitor, you just have to move the mouse. However, even the slightest move will reboot the screen. This is a bit annoying at first, as it gives the impression that the application is working just for a couple of seconds, but if the mouse is stabilized and not moving at all, the effect will persist.
All in all, PushMonitOff is a neat script-like tool developed for an easier monitor power off. Use it to hide your screen or make the room dark from the confines of your bed, your choice, but be mindful about moving the mouse, it might create some frustration initially.







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Power Down Monitor(s)
A simple hotkey combination can reboot your monitor(s) at any time. This app simulates that process, giving the illusion that your screen(s) is turned off. It will only take a few seconds and will not do any harm to the system.
Simply launch the app, push the hotkey combination, and the process will be started.
It will reboot your monitor(s) in just a few seconds, the power won’t be off for more than a couple of seconds, and the process will be instantly terminated once the power button is pressed.
The hotkey combination can be changed or set to a default.
You can use the app without any installation.
The app is available in portable and Windows (.NET Framework) versions.
The original source code of the app is available for free.
It’s a simple application, easy to use.
It works without any installation.
A movement of the mouse or a hand can result in a quick, but illogical, power on.
How To Use:
Install it using the portable version:
Click the Download button below to get the download link. Unzip the archive, then copy the PushMonitOff Serial Key.exe to the program’s folder.
Then launch the app. Use the default hotkey or change it as you see fit:
Use Shift + F1 to activate the script, or F3 or F4 to switch to another hotkey.
Press F1 to start the process and F5 to stop it.
Press F2 to change the hotkey combination or F6 to disable it.
If you need the default hotkey to be restored:
Use the F2 button.
It’s that simple.
How to use PushMonitOff on multiple monitors:
Open PushMonitOff’s folder and open its Application Files folder. Then, click on the PushMonitOff.exe file.
Open the monitor(s) settings dialog, and change the “Monitor #1” setting to “Turn Off” or “Disable”.
Now, go to the next monitor, and do the same.
Close the dialog and you’re done.
By default, the monitors will be rebooted with a couple of seconds, and will go on with power, once the mouse is moved.
You can change this behavior to make the reboot more noticeable.
Open the Monitor Preferences dialog, click on the “

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This is a PushMonitOff Product Key script that controls the behaviour of the PushMonitOff application by default.
When you press F1, PushMonitOff will shutdown your monitors and turn them off, if they are turned on.
When the PushMonitOff application shuts down your monitor, you will be asked to press the “return to” key on your keyboard to turn on your monitor.
1. Press F1
2. Press F1 again to return to the main script.
3. Press F1 again to shutdown your monitors and turn off their power.

Why do I need to hold the “return to” key to get back to the main script?
Because when you click the F1 shortcut to turn off your monitor(s), the PushMonitOff main script will reboot your computer. By holding the “return to” key, you’re telling the script to skip the reboot.
NOTE: if you accidentally close PushMonitOff while it is running, you will have to hold the “return to” key to get back to the main script. To restore normal behavior, press the F1 hotkey to get back to the main script.

Why do you insist on adding commands to the script to simply reboot the computer?
Because the script was originally designed to shut down and reboot the computer.
But if you want to shutdown your monitor(s) but don’t want to reboot, simply hold F1 to make the script skip the reboot.

Can I change the hotkey that shuts down the monitor(s)?
Sure, by default it’s F1, but you can change it to whatever you want by using the Settings tab.

What does the “off” word mean?
In this script, it’s used to show the user that their monitor(s) is (are) turned off, or out of power.

How do you use the hotkey to shut down the monitor(s)?
Start by pressing the hotkey combination you wish to use.
NOTE: F1 is the hotkey to return to the main script.
1. Press F1
2. Press F1 again to reboot your computer.
3. Press F1 again to get back to the main script.

How do you use the hotkey to power off the monitor

PushMonitOff Download For Windows

PushMonitOff is an interesting and quite handy application that shuts down your monitor, or in the case of using multiple monitors, all of them with a single push of a hotkey. This little tool can help with simulating monitor shutdowns or help one turn off the screen without reaching for the monitor buttons. Let’s say you are in bed and have no intention of getting out from under the cozy blanket, but you’d still want to turn off the monitor. That’s where PushMonitOff steps in.
No interface, no installation
PushMonitOff was built using AutoHotkey, so it acts more like a script. As a result, there won’t be a user interface to work with. To make things even simpler, the tool is portable, meaning that no system data will be written, and you can deploy it on any machine, without installing it.
Use the default hotkey or change it as you see fit
Shutting down the monitor(s) using a simple hotkey has its perks, especially for individuals who wish to give the impression that their computer is turned off, or out of commodity.
Shift + F1 is the combination one can use right from the start, yet it’s not fixed in stone. When the app runs, a system tray shortcut will be made available. Right-click that shortcut and look for the Settings entry. From there, you can change the combination however you like.
Make sure your mouse doesn’t move
To restore power to your monitor, you just have to move the mouse. However, even the slightest move will reboot the screen. This is a bit annoying at first, as it gives the impression that the application is working just for a couple of seconds, but if the mouse is stabilized and not moving at all, the effect will persist.
All in all, PushMonitOff is a neat script-like tool developed for an easier monitor power off. Use it to hide your screen or make the room dark from the confines of your bed, your choice, but be mindful about moving the mouse, it might create some frustration initially.

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What’s New in the?

This tutorial has been created for XP. But it should work on any version of Windows.

These two VLC addons have a wide range of applications. The first is available on the VLC homepage and is free to use. The second is available via the VLC page at SourceForge.net and is under a commercial license, but is also free to use, as long as it is downloaded from the above link, and not from any other source.

If you frequently watch DVDs on your computer or laptop and you wish to remove or edit the DVD menu, then try out these two addons. They make the DVD playback more user-friendly, and provide a simple way to access some of the menu items.

One of the most common tasks we have all faced at some point is recording and playing back a DVD. We have all had the experience of clicking on "Play" to watch a DVD and suddenly noticing that the picture is broken, or finding that the audio is far too loud or quiet. These issues are often caused by the DVD not being mastered properly. If the DVD has not been mastered properly then we are left with no way of editing out the annoying parts.

The first part of this tutorial shows how to use avidemux to edit a DVD. This is a tool which allows you to cut out sections from the DVD and add new clips in order to manipulate the DVD in many different ways. For instance, it is possible to slow down or speed up sections, or to add music and remove music from the playback of a video.

Avidemux is also perfect for editing out the DVD menu from the playing video, or adding subtitles, or even to adjust the audio levels and equalizer settings.

If you want to find out more about avidemux and how to use it, check out the avidemux homepage. If you wish to remove the DVD menu from a video, then this tutorial will show you how.


If you frequently watch DVDs on your computer or laptop and you wish to remove or edit the DVD menu, then try out these two addons. They make the DVD playback more user-friendly, and provide a simple way to access some of the menu items.

VLC Media Player supports DVD menus

If you frequently watch DVDs on your computer or laptop and you wish to remove or edit the DVD menu, then try out these two addons. They make the DVD playback more user-friendly, and provide a simple way to access some of the menu items.

One of the most common tasks we have all faced at some point is recording and playing back a DVD. We have all had the experience of clicking on "Play" to watch a DVD and suddenly noticing that the picture is broken, or finding that the audio is far too loud or quiet. These issues are often caused by

System Requirements For PushMonitOff:

PowerPC or x86:
OS: Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later
CPU: Dual-Core or Quad-Core
RAM: 1 GB or more
Graphics: Radeon 9800, GeForce 7800, GeForce 8500, Radeon HD 3850
Required: 1GB of free hard disk space
Other: A fast internet connection
If you are having problems with installation, please follow these steps:
1. Go to your Downloads folder, find the PC ISO file for Kalypso NES and double


